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Imbuing Menu Problems [Windows 7/Enhanced Client]



I have recently run into a problem with the imbuing menu. It happened while I was training at ~113 skill. Numbers that I was previously able to view (such as the success chance) are now blank in the menu. Other numbers go blank as I raise intensities of properties. I have also noticed other things going blank on other menus as well. Here is a picture:


I have already reported this as a bug to UO. I have also already tried uninstalling and reinstalling UO and the problem remained. Has anyone else had this problem or seen this problem? Can anyone give some advice on what I might try next? Thanks.

PS: As the thread title says I run Windows 7 (64-bit) and the enhanced client.


Deleted all my macros last night then reinstalled UO again and now it's fixed. Just an FYI for anyone else who has this problem.