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(Question) Imbue, killed off looting?



One of my favorite things about UO has always been the satisfaction of looting a great item after a long fought battle.
When I first started UO there was a type of respect and status attached to those elite pieces and you were heavily congratulated when you were able to find one to compliment or complete your suit.

Looting a boss corpse and finding that uber piece was a way of UO life for many players. I can think of a guild or two formed for the purpose of hunting down those quality items. Myself for one - still hunt these items every day.
Sadly, like the art of looting, those guilds have faded into the history of UO and replaced with a more modern method of custom gear and imbuing.

Just want to hear what the public has to say about:
The way it was VS The way it is now

If you have any pics of AWESOME NON IMBUED pieces please share them here for people to see.

This pic is my contribution & I hope you all enjoy this thread. :thumbup1:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a ring like that but instead of SDI and cold resist, mine has Dex and HCI.

Was such a pimp ring for my chiv/tamer dexer.

I'm torn - I used to love looting and selling high end items after multiple dread horns. You can't do that anymore.

But I also love tailoring specific templates to their items which is much easier to do with imbuing.

I'm torn.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still loot and look for high end items like you are showing!
I also loot more items now to use for imbuing to save on materials!
I loot all mid to high level items to unravel for imbuing !

So I loot way more now than I did before and like lynk said its nice to be able to Tailor items to your template!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to think this one was cool. I interact more with others now with imbuing and also spend more time doing fun or new things instead of constantly sorting through 500 rings/bracelets/armor pieces trying to get one armor piece to fit on my suit.




Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still a very cool ring Lorax.

Well, as 'cool' as an item in an MMO can be at least.


Not having to chain dread horns or lady mels is a bad thing?


Not having to chain dread horns or lady mels is a bad thing?

When thats what you enjoy doing and its no longer part of the marketplace of uo, it is pretty sad. Still chain them anyways cause it is what I like to do.

Still find great stuff here and there...
Keep posting those pics of your UBER NON IMBUED pieces!!

Here is another pic of a really nice jewel!


I understand. If only they would let you break pieces like that down into a little more than relic frags. Like, how about getting at least SOME of the raw ingredients it would take to make that ring via imbuing? That would certainly add a little incentive to them peerless.


I'm going to go on record as being one of the ones who doesnt much care for imbuing. Yes it is great for setting up custom suits and such, but i really miss the days when good crafted items were something to brag about... what am i saying? I REALLY miss the days when a GM made full suit of colored plate was something to brag about. =)


I'm going to go on record as being one of the ones who doesnt much care for imbuing. Yes it is great for setting up custom suits and such, but i really miss the days when good crafted items were something to brag about... what am i saying? I REALLY miss the days when a GM made full suit of colored plate was something to brag about. =)
It seems crazy to spend our present thinking about the past, yet its as crazy as wanting to look through an old photo album and get a few warm fuzzies.
Hopefully this thread will provide more pics of non imbued gear that makes ya wanna drool!