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Im on 14day trial



I beta tested this game waaaay back and was a dread lord on pacific until t2a released then i stopped playing and switched over to eq. I decided to give this game another shot since i finally upgraded from my 56k turbo modem. My main question is just how populated is pac or is there a diff shard i should join?

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back! Every shard is unique and size of population isn't always the best indicator. Best thing to do in my opinion is just come play and check it out for yourself. What were the names of your chars?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I beta tested this game waaaay back and was a dread lord on pacific until t2a released then i stopped playing and switched over to eq. I decided to give this game another shot since i finally upgraded from my 56k turbo modem. My main question is just how populated is pac or is there a diff shard i should join?
Pacific is very much an event server. You'll see the population turn out when there's a new publish with content or there's an EM Event going on. First and foremost, head to Luna - Malas. That's the center of player bank sitting these days. Also, learn how to use chat. In the classic client, you hit the comma key to chat. In the enhanced client, click the chat icon next to where you enter text for chatting. This should enable you to access the various forms of in-game chatting (general chat, guild chat, alliance chat, etc.) I think they stick you in help chat to start and that's the only chatroom you can use while on the trial. General chat is where most of the chatter goes in, especially the pvp chat if you're into that.