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I'm Back!


Threnody UO

I just wanted to post right quick and say... I am back! It is the real old me Threnody, obsessive marker of runes and filler of runebooks. I was the original gal that set up the two Trinsic Rose Rune Libraries many years ago outside of, well, Trinsic. I was out just over three years. Its been about nine days now that I have been back getting my bearings. It is as if so much is has changed, yet managed to stay the same. It is good to be home!

Being that when I quit I was never expecting to be back I made it nigh impossible to get any of my old emails and icqs back when I left. I am a bit flustered at myself at that and was stalling hoping to retrieve my old usernames and icq numbers to get in touch with old friends and acquaintances quicker, but that is obviously to no avail. I did, however, get my original UO account back which is marvelous!

I do, in fact, have both the Trammel and Feluccan Libraries back in my loving posession. (I have my babies back!) The better part of this last week has gone into restoring both of them back to how they were when I had them. The Trammel Library is in full swing though I need to research and mark anything that is new in the last three years. (Please reach me with any suggestions!) The Feluccan library was unfortunately dropped during my absence. I recieved the location/building itself back, but that is about it. There was nothing but the purple books left of the once large (hundreds of runebooks) library. It is almost fully decorated now and I will be starting a book inventory list of what was lost to start marking once again. Patience is a virtue, and if anyone has Feluccan books they would like to loan me to make marking go faster please do. I would love to get it up and running again for our old-timers (in game age!) and pvpers again as soon as possible.

I heard some were doubting it is the real me and mentioning how quietly I came back thinking it was odd. I was stalling till I got my old info back, but that obviously was not working! I have already spoken with Queen Mum and many PAS/Alliance folk in ventrillo, phone, facebook and otherwise to Verify myself to them along with many other people. I do not blame a soul for being a bit paranoid. It seems I missed a lot of "fun" whilst I was gone. Feel free to contact me via icq 555-904-542, email: [email protected], or pm me here if you feel the need. I miss all my old friends and am flustered I cannot get my old icq list back. -_-

Again, it is great to be home! Thankyou so much for all the help many of you have given me already to get back on my feet, have my libraries in my care, and move forward with UO life!



Welcome home! :) Most likely you don't know me or remember me but I've been giving people runes for your library for YEARS !! It's a great thing you have done and I'm happy it has continued. Really happy you have returned to continue your great work!

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back there missy.

Its good to see you back online.

As you would have guessed this old bard is still around.


wow, nice to see you back.

I can dust off my old Fel books to lend you if you like.


We can compare books, loaners are much appreciated! Icq me when you have a chance :D


I don't use ICQ anymore, I'll PM you next time I'm going to be on.


Welcome back. Ur services, and kindness r much appreciated. twas a pleasure meeting u last night and chit chatting...