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Im back, you all will die repeatedly!!!!

  • Thread starter Balian of Asgard
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Balian of Asgard

yes, im afraid it is true!!! we are rocking pac!!!!
come back and join us!!!!!
you will all be assimilated!!!!!!!!

Balian of Asgard

grade 12 is tough, g/l kid

i just kicked out some 19 y/o tenants who were too busy partying instead of studying like they should have. This one kid failed his course and has to ask daddy to pay for it all over again, $5500 lol poor dad.

my advice to you, pass engrish cwass

oh.....yes and the obvious heads up when you are in yew

seriously tho, G/L in school


high school= single easiest thing I have achieved. .

you'll be fine, set.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
grade 12 is tough, g/l kid

i just kicked out some 19 y/o tenants who were too busy partying instead of studying like they should have. This one kid failed his course and has to ask daddy to pay for it all over again, $5500 lol poor dad.

my advice to you, pass engrish cwass

oh.....yes and the obvious heads up when you are in yew

seriously tho, G/L in school
lol i miss one S and it's a huge deal, wow?


yes, im afraid it is true!!! we are rocking pac!!!!
come back and join us!!!!!
you will all be assimilated!!!!!!!!
LOL your considered pvp? I didnt know a guild full of stealthers could do that well....Oh wait everyone quit playing pac. If you guys call killing EOTD rocking pac then good job bro. Now back to your smokebomb.


I just like this.. It has no relevance to this thread, but I just found it and I liked it.



Seasoned Veteran
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hearing you talk about eotd getting rocked reminded me of the time supr came to raid the eotd trammie guild at destard one time, thats right the big bad we need faction gear to be good guild came in with about 4 people and they started doing there parry feilds in the corner near the ank. the problem was it wasnt despise so there was enough room to get around the feilds. One by one we picked em off and finished the spawn... look how supr members act at a
event when the em is discussing what the event is going to be about there will be a supr there spamming or making a huge fuss ruining the breifing for the other 40 people trying to read what is being said... yea supr the we dont know what class is but were better than everyone else guild, well great for you guys lol.. of course this story isnt as good as what we started doing to t and m right before they went downhill... hint hint... i love how all these guilds boast when they take a spawn to bad they dont realize for everyone we loose we get 10 done. now who wants a 25 stat scroll we got from another dead harrower ... ?? see it pays to have class.... :lol::lol::lol: im just trying to get some more stories out of you people cmon tell me one about the time i died 30 times over and 30 times again i love dying !!! the more gruesome the better...


LOL your considered pvp? I didnt know a guild full of stealthers could do that well....Oh wait everyone quit playing pac. If you guys call killing EOTD rocking pac then good job bro. Now back to your smokebomb.
I consider what Balian does as better pvp then what you do... (At least from what i remember) I run through a quick tale of MasterP's awesome pvp skills.

Oh hey, I am in Yew just doing my thang. Oh there's Wal-Mart and i am not on my tamer shucks! He's asking me to fight 1v1, maybe if i ignore him he will just go away because thats what my teachers have told me about bullies. oh noess hes attacking me, I better run and call him bad and a pathetic loser....

*15 Mins later and 11 other guild mates standing beside me* Yeah! Yeah! wheres that wal mart goof! he's so bad at this game lets kill him! Yeah! I am the best! Yeah go me!


I consider what Balian does as better pvp then what you do... (At least from what i remember) I run through a quick tale of MasterP's awesome pvp skills.

Oh hey, I am in Yew just doing my thang. Oh there's Wal-Mart and i am not on my tamer shucks! He's asking me to fight 1v1, maybe if i ignore him he will just go away because thats what my teachers have told me about bullies. oh noess hes attacking me, I better run and call him bad and a pathetic loser....

*15 Mins later and 11 other guild mates standing beside me* Yeah! Yeah! wheres that wal mart goof! he's so bad at this game lets kill him! Yeah! I am the best! Yeah go me!
I do belive sir last time we dueled it was your gold i collected on my mage. Your idea of pvp is running to precast and run back run precast run back. Thing is most mages with your speed were actuly able to kill people. Not just talk trash.


hearing you talk about eotd getting rocked reminded me of the time supr came to raid the eotd trammie guild at destard one time, thats right the big bad we need faction gear to be good guild came in with about 4 people and they started doing there parry feilds in the corner near the ank. the problem was it wasnt despise so there was enough room to get around the feilds. One by one we picked em off and finished the spawn... look how supr members act at a
event when the em is discussing what the event is going to be about there will be a supr there spamming or making a huge fuss ruining the breifing for the other 40 people trying to read what is being said... yea supr the we dont know what class is but were better than everyone else guild, well great for you guys lol.. of course this story isnt as good as what we started doing to t and m right before they went downhill... hint hint... i love how all these guilds boast when they take a spawn to bad they dont realize for everyone we loose we get 10 done. now who wants a 25 stat scroll we got from another dead harrower ... ?? see it pays to have class.... :lol::lol::lol: im just trying to get some more stories out of you people cmon tell me one about the time i died 30 times over and 30 times again i love dying !!! the more gruesome the better...
Sorry all i got out of this was blah blah blah and yeah nothing else.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hearing you talk about eotd getting rocked reminded me of the time supr came to raid the eotd trammie guild at destard one time, thats right the big bad we need faction gear to be good guild came in with about 4 people and they started doing there parry feilds in the corner near the ank. the problem was it wasnt despise so there was enough room to get around the feilds. One by one we picked em off and finished the spawn... look how supr members act at a
event when the em is discussing what the event is going to be about there will be a supr there spamming or making a huge fuss ruining the breifing for the other 40 people trying to read what is being said... yea supr the we dont know what class is but were better than everyone else guild, well great for you guys lol.. of course this story isnt as good as what we started doing to t and m right before they went downhill... hint hint... i love how all these guilds boast when they take a spawn to bad they dont realize for everyone we loose we get 10 done. now who wants a 25 stat scroll we got from another dead harrower ... ?? see it pays to have class.... :lol::lol::lol: im just trying to get some more stories out of you people cmon tell me one about the time i died 30 times over and 30 times again i love dying !!! the more gruesome the better...
This gave me a headache. You should appoint someone in your guild that knows how to type as some sort of public relations officer. Or just learn to make sentences/paragraphs.


Also, someone who talks about 'sexting' his female guildies wants to talk about class? Honestly.. The guy who snubbed me when I made him a sig wants to talk about class?

Also, yeah, I agree with my old amigo: If you're going to represent your guild, use punctuation..

Also, Count, you should read more carefully before you make an ass of yourself.
He said: If you guys call killing EOTD rocking pac then good job bro. Now back to your smokebomb.
Nobody said anything about 'rocking' your guild, and you take pot-shots at SUPR? Weird..

Also, we can shake hands and call it now, or you can choose to go 'tit-for-tat' with Himuro_Gemma. . . The choice is yours.


I am being accused of pre-casting.. tsk tsk tsk i will fight this to the bitter end! I for one do not pre-cast if it is 1v1.

If it is vs you, Orion, Cloud, Chad, Pink and anybody i would always ask and glady duel anybody. I keep my word on that and everyone knows it.

BUT! if you wanna talk about me running in with a pre-cast trying to kill one person when their sitting in a group of 8 of them. Fword yeah! i will do it all day!

Balian of Asgard

Hiya shadow, you coming back bro?

I dont play a mage because they suck, especially the template of the month that everyone plays right now, same temp, same suit, same dumps, you all suck!!!! Die already!!!!!!


Hiya shadow, you coming back bro?

I dont play a mage because they suck, especially the template of the month that everyone plays right now, same temp, same suit, same dumps, you all suck!!!! Die already!!!!!!
Coming from the same smokebomber!!! Psst


Ey, bal, sorry I didn't get back to you last night. Saw your message on icq before I went to bed but you were gone. Yyyyyyeah, I'm still THINKING about returning this winter but.. Well.. I dunno man. Pinks says my house is gone.. Says my templates are all butchered.. Says my suits are all ripped up. Says I stand little chance of getting my acct back if I want to play with him... Frankly, if I can't play with Pink, I won't play, and its looking like I'll never be able to do that.. at least, not on my old acct. sssoo yeah.. Sorry bal..


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
i wanna to tit for tat because i might of used your signiture you made for me but i dont know how to get it to be put up.. why should i have to used correct punctiation and sentencases i have to do that all the time at work cant i just type with out being judged by the mob... i mean look at where the mob got frankenstein.. tell me how to post the sig u made me and ill try my best to put it up... of course all you got out of it was bla bla bla thats because you dont know how to read between the lines. i feel sorry for gemma not being able to play uo anymore... supr is pretty much lost with out you... did supr go to another shard or something ? cmon tell me how you guys do it these days lets see play on diff shards then when one person needs help on pac tell other supr on diff shard to go to pac to help this post is actually a feeblemind spell if yor stil raeding it up to this piont youl notece that teh spel is wrking.. :gee::confused:


i wanna to tit for tat because i might of used your signiture you made for me but i dont know how to get it to be put up.. why should i have to used correct punctiation and sentencases i have to do that all the time at work cant i just type with out being judged by the mob... i mean look at where the mob got frankenstein.. tell me how to post the sig u made me and ill try my best to put it up... of course all you got out of it was bla bla bla thats because you dont know how to read between the lines. i feel sorry for gemma not being able to play uo anymore... supr is pretty much lost with out you... did supr go to another shard or something ? cmon tell me how you guys do it these days lets see play on diff shards then when one person needs help on pac tell other supr on diff shard to go to pac to help this post is actually a feeblemind spell if yor stil raeding it up to this piont youl notece that teh spel is wrking.. :gee::confused:
I currently play 9 different servers. Im about to make it 10 servers. Pvp on pac is the same stuff day in and day out.


i wanna to tit for tat because i might of used your signiture you made for me but i dont know how to get it to be put up.. why should i have to used correct punctiation and sentencases i have to do that all the time at work cant i just type with out being judged by the mob... i mean look at where the mob got frankenstein.. tell me how to post the sig u made me and ill try my best to put it up... of course all you got out of it was bla bla bla thats because you dont know how to read between the lines. i feel sorry for gemma not being able to play uo anymore... supr is pretty much lost with out you... did supr go to another shard or something ? cmon tell me how you guys do it these days lets see play on diff shards then when one person needs help on pac tell other supr on diff shard to go to pac to help this post is actually a feeblemind spell if yor stil raeding it up to this piont youl notece that teh spel is wrking.. :gee::confused:

Heh, don't worry about it. I made sense of it. I honestly lost the sig. I'll look harder later..

Balian of Asgard

I currently play 9 different servers. Im about to make it 10 servers. Pvp on pac is the same stuff day in and day out.
I assume you are not married? or have kids? hrmmm I just recalled seeing pics in the pic thread....you do have a kid, where do you find the time?


I assume you are not married? or have kids? hrmmm I just recalled seeing pics in the pic thread....you do have a kid, where do you find the time?
Nope im getting married Nov 13. Been together 9 years. The kids in the pic would be niece and nephew's. Just because i play on 9 different servers dont mean im on all day. Also work full time and party alot. Its not hard to get an extra 45 mins here and there and log on to kill people.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do belive sir last time we dueled it was your gold i collected on my mage. Your idea of pvp is running to precast and run back run precast run back. Thing is most mages with your speed were actuly able to kill people. Not just talk trash.
uhm i'd bet gold that wal-mart can beat you, and precast and run back precast and run back? that's exactly what you did when you tried to '1v1' me


now now gemma u are not allowed to post real life pics of budwieser an peter north without there permission...........an by the way peter is not the one standing up....
Nope im the one taking the picture of budwiser wtf pwning your fat ass. Bend over farther Stii...Wait your to fat you might fall over!!!

Balian of Asgard

juvi is patiently taking pics of his dear friends while he waits for his turn


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope im the one taking the picture of budwiser wtf pwning your fat ass. Bend over farther Stii...Wait your to fat you might fall over!!!
really, my 3 year old nephew would of had a better come back then that. some things are better off left silent, an i hope u can say lessson learned?:stretcher: ooo an ps it`s further....ooan pss its stuii.........


really, my 3 year old nephew would of had a better come back then that. some things are better off left silent, an i hope u can say lessson learned?:stretcher: ooo an ps it`s further....ooan pss its stuii.........
Yeah good one...*adds stuii to his fan club*....