I played for a little under three years and left about 4 months after Malas was settled. I don't remember when that was for sure.
Here are the questions...
Hitching Post: I assume this allows one to stable animals at your home. Any other functions? Can I exchange pets from one character to another? I have searched the forums and the item section and have found nothing.
Housing/Population: It seems that placing a house is outrageously easy compared to the past. Is the availability of housing due to housing rule changes or a major drop in shard population? [BACK THEN - I spent one year traveling the land looking to place a house. The land was littered with small houses and no lots were available. I eventually bought a small house through E-Bay. A year later I bought a medium Ice Island lot for 5 million in game! After Malas opened I was able to place a medium lot myself. NOW - I placed a log cabin the moment my 15 day trial lapsed, a 14 by 17 one week later, and an 18 by 18 five weeks later.]
Items providing skills: When I left I had a chest full of items with invisibility charges. I horded them because EA was discontinuing the spawn in response to complaints that items should not allow one to perform a skill that another had earned with hard work. Now that jewelry allows the same thing; can we bring back the invisibility items? Please? Yes I know it is a matter of degrees (say +30 skill versus gauranteed invis), but I loved being able to invis my non-mage characters with a macro.
Here are the questions...
Hitching Post: I assume this allows one to stable animals at your home. Any other functions? Can I exchange pets from one character to another? I have searched the forums and the item section and have found nothing.
Housing/Population: It seems that placing a house is outrageously easy compared to the past. Is the availability of housing due to housing rule changes or a major drop in shard population? [BACK THEN - I spent one year traveling the land looking to place a house. The land was littered with small houses and no lots were available. I eventually bought a small house through E-Bay. A year later I bought a medium Ice Island lot for 5 million in game! After Malas opened I was able to place a medium lot myself. NOW - I placed a log cabin the moment my 15 day trial lapsed, a 14 by 17 one week later, and an 18 by 18 five weeks later.]
Items providing skills: When I left I had a chest full of items with invisibility charges. I horded them because EA was discontinuing the spawn in response to complaints that items should not allow one to perform a skill that another had earned with hard work. Now that jewelry allows the same thing; can we bring back the invisibility items? Please? Yes I know it is a matter of degrees (say +30 skill versus gauranteed invis), but I loved being able to invis my non-mage characters with a macro.