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I'm a scripter

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I write some very good scripts. Game changing I might add...

Now before the horns come out... I should say that I don't normally use them in PvP.

I use them to get heartwood, lumber, ore, museum/library, etc...

I use them to do PvM.

One thing I want you to think about, before you post what kind of person you think I am, is that when I do this... I do it ATTENDED.

Understand that statement? I'm sitting at my keyboard, watching my char chopping wood and depositing it in the bank. I'm at my keyboard, watching my char run from vendor to vendor buying up axes and trading them at the library. I'm at my keyboard watching my char tear through mobs.

When a GM pops up and says "Hey there, someone thinks you may be scripting, would you please tell me what 2 x 3 is?"

Well I reply... "Why yes sir, 2 x 3 is 6"

He bids me a good day and he is on his way.

Meantime, I keep the resources flowing. I keep the prices reasonable. I don't sell gold... I don't use uber PvP scripts.

Now, if you think that clicking the mouse 5,000,000 times to get a pair of glasses is worth your time, be my guest. Toil away, get carpal tunnel. I'd bet that you would rather get some gold together and leave all those clicks to my little helper.

I'd actually like to know how many clicks a Mace n Shield takes? I mean through normal gameplay, how many times do you click the mouse, including recalls, buying/making items and turning them in. Man I bet it's a lot.

I welcome any comments, please keep it decent, either here or in Private Mail. Just ask me and I'll give reasonable discussion regarding my views on scripting and UO.


I write some very good scripts. Game changing I might add...

Now before the horns come out... I should say that I don't normally use them in PvP.

I use them to get heartwood, lumber, ore, museum/library, etc...

I use them to do PvM.

One thing I want you to think about, before you post what kind of person you think I am, is that when I do this... I do it ATTENDED.

Understand that statement? I'm sitting at my keyboard, watching my char chopping wood and depositing it in the bank. I'm at my keyboard, watching my char run from vendor to vendor buying up axes and trading them at the library. I'm at my keyboard watching my char tear through mobs.

When a GM pops up and says "Hey there, someone thinks you may be scripting, would you please tell me what 2 x 3 is?"

Well I reply... "Why yes sir, 2 x 3 is 6"

He bids me a good day and he is on his way.

Meantime, I keep the resources flowing. I keep the prices reasonable. I don't sell gold... I don't use uber PvP scripts.

Now, if you think that clicking the mouse 5,000,000 times to get a pair of glasses is worth your time, be my guest. Toil away, get carpal tunnel. I'd bet that you would rather get some gold together and leave all those clicks to my little helper.

I'd actually like to know how many clicks a Mace n Shield takes? I mean through normal gameplay, how many times do you click the mouse, including recalls, buying/making items and turning them in. Man I bet it's a lot.

I welcome any comments, please keep it decent, either here or in Private Mail. Just ask me and I'll give reasonable discussion regarding my views on scripting and UO.
Hell yeah, good job, keep it up!

I mean, its not like the devs care an iota about it. Hopefully more people like yourself abuse this game to the max!! Actually, you should pvp more, you would fit RIGHT IN with the other haxxors.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Why exactly should we believe you when you say that you never go unattended and that you do not sell gold? You already break the rules and are hence, not beyond being dishonest. I don't believe anything you say or try to portray. Heck, you might not even be a scripter and are just making this all up.

However, if you are really a scripter, then keep telling yourself that you are "helping the community" by keeping the prices low. Something to note, that is the exact same rationalization most dupers and exploiters also use. You don't need to convince us, just yourself. This thread is a fail.


Always Present
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People have been trying to talk me into doing this for quite some time.
I'm really close to giving in.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
A cheat is a cheat.

The point is it doesn't matter if you are attended or not. Using illegal third party programs is classed as cheating under the terms of the game. Now whether you or I think using scripts to do the 'dross' work involved in some of these activities is legitimate to actually enjoy your game more is of no relevance.

Point is, some people will read the 'rules' of the game and abide by them, irrespective as to whether they actually 'agree' with them all or not. They basically have the integrity to understand that if you agree to act in a particular way to enjoy the benefits of a society you then have an obligation to play by that societies rules or go elsewhere.

Others, like you, will basically flaunt the rules to your own advantage because morally you don't 'care' what the rules are. You don't care that by breaking the 'rules' when others abide by them that it gives you an unfair advantage over them. Other people should not be forced to break the rules just to compete with you.

The fact you are attended means zip and doesn't make you any 'better' than the unattended scripter, only that you have 'less' chance of getting caught.

In any 'society' be it online or in real life, if you don't like the rules you 'change' them, or lobby to have them changed. It does not make you 'smarter or better' to basically flaunt them to your own advantage or make others who live within societies rules any less 'smart' or whatever, it just makes them more honest with better integrity.

It is people like you who actually wreck online games. Coming to this forum and basically 'gloating' about how you cheat doesn't impress the majority.


Why exactly should we believe you when you say that you never go unattended and that you do not sell gold? You already break the rules and are hence, not beyond being dishonest. I don't believe anything you say or try to portray. Heck, you might not even be a scripter and are just making this all up.

However, if you are really a scripter, then keep telling yourself that you are "helping the community" by keeping the prices low. Something to note, that is the exact same rationalization most dupers and exploiters also use. You don't need to convince us, just yourself. This thread is a fail.
I believe him when he says he doesn't sell gold. In order to sell gold you will need billions. So either there 11 year old vets that have amassed fortunes or they where there for the mass gold duper or there resellers who buy the gold from one of the first I mentioned or of course they are one of the websites that buy gold at low amounts and sell it at higher price guess reseller again.
Gold is way too cheap these days what is it 25 cents per mil or something.

Have 40 people in a week that want to sell there gold for monthly subscription to uo thats what maybe 60-70 mil to the website each which they can get in game pretty easily if they go for high end item events etc.. so they get a free month of UO the web site gets around 2.8 billion on those 40 transaction that week then they turn around and sell it at a dollar a mil all they need is few byers to make profit. Hmm good buisness model.
But yea gold seller nah unless he just sells it for subscription fee which sounds like a good idea- man I miss ebay... Remmeber those days when doom open up and you got a art and could go in there and sell it for 100-500 dollars.. Nice days.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Using illegal third party programs is classed as cheating under the terms of the game.
I remember back in the first year or so for UO that everyone used illegal third party programs, be it UO Extreme or UO Assist which hadn't been approved by that point. I didn't know a person back then that didn't use something like that. The worst move was OSI actually deciding to allow and even endorse a 3rd party app, and one you had to pay for.

But seriously tho, do we need another scripting thread? Some people do it, some people don't. Some people get their knickers all twisted over it, some don't care. We get it.

Stop winding each other up and lets talk about something constructive.


A cheat is a cheat.

The point is it doesn't matter if you are attended or not. Using illegal third party programs is classed as cheating under the terms of the game. Now whether you or I think using scripts to do the 'dross' work involved in some of these activities is legitimate to actually enjoy your game more is of no relevance.
Actually theres a work around which doesn't violate the ROC with illegal programs. You can use a program that interacts with your keyboard or uoassit but never interacts with UO. Excel sheets used to calculate and perform macro actions,websites and calculators that allow to input information for UO, Microsoft word that allow you to use txt info from the game, windows copy and paste are the basic ones.

Macro programs that work and come with your gaming keyboard or mouse another.Complicated external macros from programs that interact with your keyboard that allow it to run automaticaly like moving arrow keys pressing a sequence of hot keys at certain intervels,voice activated hotkeys "it'll get more advance one day" and alot more of complicated actions as long as your attended these things should never violate the rules. Quite a few out there without ever using it to interact with the UO client directly. I might drop a example of this in the tech forum when I get a chance if they don't mind.Quite interesting I believe. But I guess this topic if for another time sorry for hijacking a bit.
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