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I'm a scripter



I write some very good scripts. Game changing I might add...

Now before the horns come out... I should say that I don't normally use them in PvP.

I use them to get heartwood, lumber, ore, museum/library, etc...

I use them to do PvM.

One thing I want you to think about, before you post what kind of person you think I am, is that when I do this... I do it ATTENDED.

Understand that statement? I'm sitting at my keyboard, watching my char chopping wood and depositing it in the bank. I'm at my keyboard, watching my char run from vendor to vendor buying up axes and trading them at the library. I'm at my keyboard watching my char tear through mobs.

When a GM pops up and says "Hey there, someone thinks you may be scripting, would you please tell me what 2 x 3 is?"

Well I reply... "Why yes sir, 2 x 3 is 6"

He bids me a good day and he is on his way.

Meantime, I keep the resources flowing. I keep the prices reasonable. I don't sell gold... I don't use uber PvP scripts.

Now, if you think that clicking the mouse 5,000,000 times to get a pair of glasses is worth your time, be my guest. Toil away, get carpal tunnel. I'd bet that you would rather get some gold together and leave all those clicks to my little helper.

I'd actually like to know how many clicks a Mace n Shield takes? I mean through normal gameplay, how many times do you click the mouse, including recalls, buying/making items and turning them in. Man I bet it's a lot.


I write some very good scripts. Game changing I might add...

Now before the horns come out... I should say that I don't normally use them in PvP.

I use them to get heartwood, lumber, ore, museum/library, etc...

I use them to do PvM.

One thing I want you to think about, before you post what kind of person you think I am, is that when I do this... I do it ATTENDED.

Understand that statement? I'm sitting at my keyboard, watching my char chopping wood and depositing it in the bank. I'm at my keyboard, watching my char run from vendor to vendor buying up axes and trading them at the library. I'm at my keyboard watching my char tear through mobs.

When a GM pops up and says "Hey there, someone thinks you may be scripting, would you please tell me what 2 x 3 is?"

Well I reply... "Why yes sir, 2 x 3 is 6"

He bids me a good day and he is on his way.

Meantime, I keep the resources flowing. I keep the prices reasonable. I don't sell gold... I don't use uber PvP scripts.

Now, if you think that clicking the mouse 5,000,000 times to get a pair of glasses is worth your time, be my guest. Toil away, get carpal tunnel. I'd bet that you would rather get some gold together and leave all those clicks to my little helper.

I'd actually like to know how many clicks a Mace n Shield takes? I mean through normal gameplay, how many times do you click the mouse, including recalls, buying/making items and turning them in. Man I bet it's a lot.

i really dont have a problem with it, i really dont see why youre posting this but okay :>

good work, i have no problem as long as youre attended

btw, do GMS care if youre scripting attended? or is it just unattended

The Fallout

Honestly I could care less if you script attended or not. Just so you know though, using any third party program besides UOAssist or UOAutomap could get you banned. It makes it too easy when you run third party programs in uo if a GM finds out you are using one, you will get banned. Though I do not think there is any way to trace them at the moment.

Either way I could care less what you do, I just enjoy the game myself.


I totally agree, why would anyone want to sit at a keyboard and click click click for hours on end.