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Illegal 3rd party programs


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, What can you do about people dc'ing you in fel with 3rd party software when you attack them? I could mention the name of the software but i think the forums dont allow me too.

Reported it to a gm and got this cool reply...

"Greetings, thank you for your petition, We will review this account and take action if warranted. This will take some time, so please be patient. Due to our privacy policy, you will not be informed of the results of our investigation. Thank you for your report. GM Brutrin "

I feel my complaint is being taken seriously and is now in safe hands.


Get use to that response since that's all they will ever send you when you when it comes to players cheating. You can do a GM review but its just as good as paging since they will send you another pre-typed message on how your concerns are their concerns and they are so happy you brought this subject to their attention and they take every compliant very seriously but, of course you will not be notified of what they didn't do just like when you page on a cheater since nothing is ever done. GM's and GM reviews are all a joke and will never be anything but a joke. I compare them to mall security.


Hi, What can you do about people dc'ing you in fel with 3rd party software when you attack them? I could mention the name of the software but i think the forums dont allow me too.

Reported it to a gm and got this cool reply...

"Greetings, thank you for your petition, We will review this account and take action if warranted. This will take some time, so please be patient. Due to our privacy policy, you will not be informed of the results of our investigation. Thank you for your report. GM Brutrin "

I feel my complaint is being taken seriously and is now in safe hands.
Dc'ing? is that crashing like the previous poster said? He's right no program that does that. The recall bug is the one that does it though when trying to recall,teleport or gate travel while a item is moving in the screen. That's uo doing it directly to you. So if that's the case might want to page a gm on uo :)
Oh yea it can be intentialy caused by using server lines but once again it's not a 3rd party program just a bug/exploit. So remmeber to stay away from server lines when pvp and definetly buc den. It's being around for a very very long time. Im surprised it still works or is still in use.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's no 3rd party program that makes you crash for attacking someone lol
Who dropped you on your head as a small child? really...

Considering in the past people have been able to make dupes using scripts to take items that DONT EXIST, I really dont see this as so far fetched. Especially with the crash bugs that already exist in the client.

You ought to know though, you run with some of the best scripters in the game. (including your friend looking for a investigators cloak to use for the current dupe.)

Silly noob.