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If you happen to see...



if you happen to see Gawin, Fishin Fool, Accident, Niwag, Vetinari running around IT IS NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!

some one got a hold of my account even changed the e-mail.

granted i have not playing in months guess i definitely wont be coming back now.

Good Luck to you all

five oclock

Son of a B@@@@....I mumble under my breath....

Sorry to hear about this! Big time. I had two friends getting hacked into WoW. why the **** are some a**holes hacking into UO? WTF is there to gain by it??? grrr.

Again Im sorry to hear about this man.


if you happen to see Gawin, Fishin Fool, Accident, Niwag, Vetinari running around IT IS NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!

some one got a hold of my account even changed the e-mail.

granted i have not playing in months guess i definitely wont be coming back now.

Good Luck to you all
so call UO and lock the account.

or is there more to this story?

Salya Sin

That just sucks out loud! I was going to say the same thing as OxAO... CALL UO! 1-866-543-5435

They should be able to help you get the account back! Good luck to you!