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If you could cast possession on Draconi....

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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If you could cast possession on Draconi.... what would you do in Ultima Online? Can be anything from silly things to something you always wanted created.

I would disable guards and spawn tons of shadow wyrms on the bank.

Build cages and teleport people into them and disable spell ability.

Send a massive fire shock wave through the entire land killing everyone and Npcs. Then spawn one single healer in a remote area.

(Maybe I'm to evil.)

Last thing

Spawn cute little Red Bunnies......

Then set them to attack with Fireballs.


Seasoned Veteran
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I want little red fire breathing bunnies!

I'd get Draconi to nuke Luna on production shards.


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I'd make him make the whole Dev team do some actual work for a change.

you know, work that actually matters.

Then I'd make him hire more GM's to get the scripters and dupers under control.


Always Present
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If I could cast possession on Draconi ............

I would possess to turn Magincia back to it's former glory.

I would have him fix that ugly hole in the ground in Moonglow.

I would have him restore a lot of the lost lands fel side to some of their former original self with original spawn as it was before, then slap the champ spawns to hog up less local habitat, respawn the original spawn to be where it was, in the lost lands esp. fel side.

I would have him restore recall and gating to Delucia fel side.

I would possess him to nuke the heck out of LUNA and keep it ugly for as long as Magincia and a hole in Moonglow have been stuck around.

Then I would have him pop a moongate on Ocllo Siege cuz there is no Haven there...nor moongate on Ocllo. Would have him check to see if all quests work on Siege like toymakers telling folks to fish up pearls in *lake haven* which there is none on Siege...etc.

Then...for comic relief since every one seems to complain about CARE BEARS...I would have Draconi create pastel colored care bears with lil rainbows on their bellys, to blow us all up and to KILL ON SIGHT for some Halloween event...just for our amusement.


Grand Poobah
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I would beef up all the little critters in the game making them around the strength of balrons. :D


Slightly Crazed
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eh, turn every player into zombies for the zombie genicide

Lord Drakelord

I would have him created a special place for dread war horse to spawn in Malas. Or at least bring the Vanguard back once a week for encore performance so we could dismount her for the war horse. Let her attack Luna once a week on Sunday and turn the guards off during this encore performance!


Grand Poobah
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I would make him put the Luna fire out on LA, as well as delete all of the small towers scattered about that we were told would be deleted before Jeremy left...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I would fix Magincia, then I'd spend quite a while fixing all the silly little imperfections in the lands. Missing corners, missing tiles and things of that nature.... while I kept the whole of the land busy running from killer zombies I let loose on the world who cast flame and fire everywhere but they travel really fast and each of them are stronger than a crimson dragon.

Then to finish out my time I would go to luna and delete every vendor selling anything even remotely questionable and find it's owner.... and delete all their characters. Search all their accounts and if I find they have characters and accounts on several shards with the same things I'll delete them all. Then I'd go and delete all their houses. Leaving nothing to show they ever existed.

Finally I'd set a code in place to send GM's to investigate anyone who is logged in more than 18 hours a day... Each account logged in more than 18 hours a day would get a visit from a GM and if they are found to be script farming then I'd set it up so the account and the house tied to the account and any vendor tied to the account are deleted.

Then I would put in a special "page" for the Help menu to page on anyone found to be unattended macroing. This way people can report them. If an account gets 5 pages then a special unit would be sent to investigate. First on a regular character and then by a special Dev member not a GM. If found to be attended they will be left unless found to be otherwise cheating. If they are unattended... the char will be jailed. If jailed more than once account banned and the owner marked.

That's what I'd do.


Crazed Zealot
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Every house inside Luna turns to fire, vendors disappear with items.

Yes. ALL of them. Luna should die in a fire.


Love all the suggestions here! Especially the ones for Lugly er Leirdo ... um Luna - hehe. Iv'e always thought a Metal Dye Tub might be cool.


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I would ask him to try and remember what is it like to be a UO player.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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If people are NOT going to accept a new client REGARDLESS of the actual quality of said client, then I would have him STOP trying to compromise the technological (graphics, sound, UI, etc) aspect of a new client in attempts to make such people accept that which they will never accept anyway and instead focus on making a new client that really pushes what UO can really do.

If you're going to have two clients anyway, may as well make them worth having and QUIT compromising instead of advancing.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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If people are NOT going to accept a new client REGARDLESS of the actual quality of said client, then I would have him STOP trying to compromise the technological (graphics, sound, UI, etc) aspect of a new client in attempts to make such people accept that which they will never accept anyway and instead focus on making a new client that really pushes what UO can really do.

If you're going to have two clients anyway, may as well make them worth having and QUIT compromising instead of advancing.



If people are NOT going to accept a new client REGARDLESS of the actual quality of said client, then I would have him STOP trying to compromise the technological (graphics, sound, UI, etc) aspect of a new client in attempts to make such people accept that which they will never accept anyway and instead focus on making a new client that really pushes what UO can really do.

If you're going to have two clients anyway, may as well make them worth having and QUIT compromising instead of advancing.
Curiously...Have you used the SA client? I will accept your statement if you have, as everyone is allowed their opinion but if not then you might like what you see :p (I have no issues with any client just saying it might not be so bad :) )

Dermott of LS

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There is an SA Client Focus Group
I am in the SA Client Focus Group
There is an SA Beta Test
I am in the SA Beta Test


Good enough?



There is an SA Client Focus Group
I am in the SA Client Focus Group
There is an SA Beta Test
I am in the SA Beta Test


Good enough?
As I said, was only curious if you had or not. Some people discard things with out any care or knowledge. As said everyone is entitled to their opinions and nothing was wrong with yours, I think they should just go with one client anyhow, but meh was not expressing my opinion originally.


And one that's not 12 years old.
I was going to post they should get rid of the 2d client, or at least completely recode it....but I thought it had been said enough but I guess I am wrong :p

Foolio the Bard

If you are going to get rid of a client, they wouldn't get rid of the one 99% of the player base uses.

KR has been abandoned. The few dead-enders on this board who still defend it boggle my mind.


Crazed Zealot
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If you are going to get rid of a client, they wouldn't get rid of the one 99% of the player base uses.

KR has been abandoned. The few dead-enders on this board who still defend it boggle my mind.
It's also full of holes and bugs and crappy code.


If you are going to get rid of a client, they wouldn't get rid of the one 99% of the player base uses.

KR has been abandoned. The few dead-enders on this board who still defend it boggle my mind.
Don't play KR, in fact I am completely unable to play it due to it always toggling fullscreen when I hit enter. It was not really abandoned tho your point is noted. Of course advocating for a client that is not 12 years old and has enough holes in it that an ant hill look like, crap I lost my thought but hopefully you got the idea based off half a statement....

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Ya know, I thought of various replies, but I'm deciding against it because I'm not going to let the thread get further derailed. I stand by my original post which has nothing against the 2d client in of itself, but against how the devs have constantly treated any attempt to support a new client update for the game since T2A's "big window" client.

What always starts out as a strategy of looking forward gets backpedaled and compromised into an afterthought instead of pushing forward. That bugs me constantly and it's the one thing I would reverse conceptually.

If you're going to have a new client, then make it worth having and STOP trying to coddle the Ludditic haters, they aren't on your side and never will be.

This statement isn;t about who likes what client or why, but about how the devs have approached the idea of an updated client.


This statement isn;t about who likes what client or why, but about how the devs have approached the idea of an updated client.
I do not mind their idea of making it a bit more resource friendly as far as computers go. But I did say nothing wrong with your suggestion, I liked it even. Was only curious if you had tried the new client. I just wish they would make a client work since I can not play KR due to my previously posted issue. In respect of Gareth I will stop posting things that are off topic now. Sorry *apologizes*

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Yes, but unfortunately, I cannot go into detail on my opinions of it here (as of right now).

Foolio the Bard

If you're going to have a new client, then make it worth having and STOP trying to coddle the Ludditic haters, they aren't on your side and never will be.
This is where I have a problem with your line of thought. My system is top of the line. I am by no means a luddite. KR has serious performance issues when compared to 2D. It also looks like crap, but that is just my opinion, not a fact. But the performance problems are a fact, and have been cited by MANY people as to why they did not switch.

As for SA, I am in the same boat as you with the NDA, but I went into the beta with an open mind, and not "I'm sticking with 2D no matter what". I WANT the SA client to succeed. But if it doesn't, it won't be because of "luddites" -- it will be because 2D does things better.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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get rid of the guard zone in malas and make it have a felucca rule set


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know what's in your computer, but KR runs SO much better than 2D for me. And KR does things better than 2D already, so... <_<

Muu Bin

get rid of the guard zone in malas and make it have a felucca rule set
Have ALL the guard zones randomly occur throughout ALL of the facets. Could you imagine the chaos this would cause? Especially if it was subject to our current RNG? It would certainly keep everyone on their toes... or using their toes to run as fast as they could. One exception could be New Haven since this is the "training" area that has been created for new characters.

Make it part of an event...


Have ALL the guard zones randomly occur throughout ALL of the facets. Could you imagine the chaos this would cause? Especially if it was subject to our current RNG? It would certainly keep everyone on their toes... or using their toes to run as fast as they could. One exception could be New Haven since this is the "training" area that has been created for new characters.

Make it part of an event...
PLEASE!!! zomg!...


The first thing I would do, raise the recall spell to the 8th circle. It should be a privilage of higher mages to have instantanious transport, and if the mage is feeling benevolent, to give a magical gate to others.
For way too long everyone who comes to UO just walks into a Library, dumps a recall scroll on a book and off they go. Most of them have never had the adventure of wandering the lands of brit or Lost Lands, etc....
I fondly remember running all over the continent and sailing to the islands.
When you have to wait til your in the highest level of magery to cast recall or give another a gate, you learn to appreciate just how large UO really is.
It is sadly the same with our own RL world. With rapid transport anywhere, things seem to become .........smaller.....


The first thing I would do, raise the recall spell to the 8th circle. It should be a privilage of higher mages to have instantanious transport, and if the mage is feeling benevolent, to give a magical gate to others.
For way too long everyone who comes to UO just walks into a Library, dumps a recall scroll on a book and off they go. Most of them have never had the adventure of wandering the lands of brit or Lost Lands, etc....
I fondly remember running all over the continent and sailing to the islands.
When you have to wait til your in the highest level of magery to cast recall or give another a gate, you learn to appreciate just how large UO really is.
It is sadly the same with our own RL world. With rapid transport anywhere, things seem to become .........smaller.....
Running around used to be fun, until the screen became flooded with "Smoka420 the Parrot" and "BlazeThaJ the Parrot" with "show approaching names".


1. I would have him establish Pirates on the high seas and perhaps a sea based champ spawn.

2. The trinkets that get fished up either by fishing or SoS's get included into the fisherman turn ins for glasses.

3. Reds go into stat loss upon death as it was pre AOS.

4. Insurance only works 3X per day. After that, the items on you are at risk.

5. T2A dungeons will spawn new artifacts comparable to the ones in the anti virtue dungeons.

6. ToT becomes permanent much like the anti virtue dungeons and dyes get included.

7. Magincia gets fixed, but it is done gradually with player donations at the parliament building (much like the museum and the library).

Those are my druthers. Hope you like.

Tina Small

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Actually, I'd like to cast possession on Cal Crowner, because I think he's Draconi's boss!

Here's my wish list for Cal and the teams reporting to him, in no particular order:

  • Consistently provide a quarterly "state of UO" announcement that reviews recent accomplishments, problems/challenges currently being addressed, and plans for the future.

  • Finish creating trainer NPCs in New Haven that will teach a skill up to a maximum of 40. There are currently no trainers in Haven that fit this criteria for the following skills: Alchemy, Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Arms Lore, Begging, Bowcraft/Fletching, Camping, Carpentry, Cartography, Cooking, Detecting Hidden, Discordance, Fishing, Forensics, Herding, Hiding,Inscription, Item Identification, Lockpicking, Lumberjacking, Mining, Musicianship, Peacemaking, Poisoning, Provocation, Remove Trap, Snooping, Stealing, Tailoring, Taste Identification, Tinkering, Tracking, Veterinary. In addition, trainer NPCs should offer quests to provide appropriate blessed skill-related items designed for use by new characters. (Note that Quests to obtain blessed newbie-appropriate items do exist for some of the skills for which you currently cannot purchase training up to 40.0.)

  • Update the online Playguide with current information, especially with regard to information for expansion-related and client-specific content.

  • Fix the algorithm for skill gain, especially for skills that have a 100.0 maximum. In addition, review all skills and develop additional content as required to ensure that there are adequate and realistic opportunities to train and gain in a skill at the mid- to high-level range.

  • Provide additional opportunities to obtain the Skill Tutor statuette.

  • Address in writing the issue of whether or not client-side hacks for doing things like walking over blocking objects, preventing someone's pets from attacking you without the use of confusion pots, flawlessly finding hidden characters, and causing game-crashing lag for other players really do exist and whether there is any intention to block their use or at least track down and ban accounts using such exploits.

  • Address whether it was an intentional change on shards other than Siege and Mugen (which both have Evil/Hero aspects to their faction systems) for faction characters to be unable to attack characters in the same faction using pets and mage/necro summons. And if it was not an intentional change, give a hint as to when this change will be reversed.

  • Provide some hints regarding the future of the faction system and address whether faction sigil corruption/purification periods will remain with the current durations for the foreseeable future, whether the war zone and chaos/order bonus kill points and the ability to transfer kill points among characters will continue to be available.

  • Fix whatever coding or server issue is causing the recall and bar-pulling crash bugs.

  • Make it possible to keep more health bars up on your screen, regardless of client used.

  • Restore the ability of magic-casting creatures to teleport.

  • Make it possible for characters to be co-owners on multiple houses, regardless of client used, and increase the number of possible co-owners.

  • Restore the ability to remove characters from the last page of a house's list of friends.

  • Provide an update regarding the restoration of shard-specific EM and seer-placed buildings and objects in Magincia.

  • Accelerate the process of dropping bugged buildings attached to accounts that have been non-paying/inactive for far longer than 90 days.

  • Give all player-placed buildings the same basic amount of storage, regardless of their footprint. Continue to provide for the purchase of increased storage through the gamecode store.

  • Develop additional styles of "pre-fabricated" player housing.


Step 1: I would compel him to give me some of Queen Mum's cookies ;)
Step 2: I would become supreme ruler of the wuorld! :)
Egad Brain! I wish I was as smart as you.
I wish you were as smart as a tree stump, Pinky.


Stratics Veteran
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Step 1. Cast possession on Draconi
Step 2. ??????
Step 3. Profit!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I'm still thinking cute little Red Bunnies......Then set them to attack with Fireballs.

Perfect for Easter or V-Day...... definitely V-Day if you want to dump someone. No better way to do it then Death by Fireball Bunny. :flame: