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[Discussion] If yall can help me...

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe you can help me keep an eye out for some items. A good friend of mines account was hacked last nite. Took alot of stuff....not worried about replacable items, but sentimental items and the such. Some are guildstones etc. Some items that I know of atm are:

Guild Stone: Inquisitors of Con (IOC)

Other stuff prolly not sought after much....old sentimental clothing items made by friends since departed from game. Names on them include: Penelo Longblade (Robe, SLAYER's PBD Used on It), Pluffina ( Pre Ren Crafted Suit of Leather Armor), Alyssa (Cloak)....what he has told me so far....Ill add more...figure if you are looking at boards somewhere and any of the items...give me a shout ASAP......please feel free to pass info along...all items were located on Sonoma shard. Just trying to see if anyone can help me track items down. I am willing to buy items back if you see them. My ICQ is 465216882 or you can contact my friend or his girlfriend at ICQ numbers 403-539-453 and 271-134-285. Thanks for reading.


Besides what he mentioned above, other identifiable items we are missing:

Armor/weapons crafted by KonQuest Inc
Armor crafted by Palimae
Armor/weapons crafted by Archie
personal bless deeds: Penelo Longblade, Dunkler Ritter, SLAYER
Greeting and valentines cards displaying these names
AoS items with the same names
Personal Attendant contracts to these characters
"Icy Scimitars" with double hit effects crafted by Peppermace
"Icy Scimitars" with double hit effect crafted by Palimae
"Wounding Assassin Spikes" with double hit effects crafted by Peppermace

Thanks for keeping a sharp out eye folks. Hopefully we can recover a few of these things and get on with UO life. As stated above, if ya run into these things, just ICQ!!

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awww, so sorry to hear you got hacked :(
I was hacked last year, I know how awful it feels.
I was able to recover about half my stuff on Atlantic vendors (I was hacked on Napa) so make sure you keep an eye out there - seems it is a favored place for selling stolen items.