Nothing is broken in the current WoW. It's great.
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That's extremely debatable. WoW is broken in two. PVP and PVE.
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And I ask you, what's wrong with that?
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What's wrong with it? A lack of direction? It's like making a real time strategy game and then throwing in a first person shooter element for those who prefer action over strategy...
bring back Garriott
[/ QUOTE ]Oh yeah, sure - the 'king' who is more suprised than *I* am that UO is still around? UO was mostly an experiment meant to have a few thousand total users and last a year or so; expected to barely make a profit. Ask your precious British. He'll tell you so, unless he lies to you.
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My previous British?... What? Seriously. Anyway here go: most games are an experiment, there are no guaruntees in the interactive entertainment industry. When you try something new, there is an extreme risk you'll fail, or you'll soar to success. UO and WoW are the best examples. One bought about a whole new concept for the online gaming scene, the other borrowed heavily on everything before it,but refined it. Both are extremely successful.
UO was expected to not make a profit by it's PUBLISHER. The guys with the money. These are the ones who have to look at market trends and make a call. They can effectively stop or start any form of creative direction.
Ultima Online was aimed at a niche, but it turned out to be a pretty popular concept to the mainstream market. So what's your point there? They introduced servers to cater for this. You can read it in the interview I posted.
No, let him stay gone; man made his millions and then bailed out at the peak - it was not all downhill because he left; he left because it was all downhill. He foresaw it. His peasants started getting annoying and his world started getting too big for him to handle, and off he went. The rest is history. But hey - if you love him so much, go play his latest cashcow, "World Of Starcraft"; oops, I mean "Blank Slate".
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... are you serious? World of StarCraft? You obviously cannot distinguish between context let alone gameplay mechanics.
Lord British left because EA's direction didn't agree with him. They cancelled some pretty big MMO projects including Wing Commander (Privateer) Online among others. The best solution was to take advantage of a new company and wait for the contract to expire. Smart move. Now he and his team can do what they want, which is the best way to let any artist work.
He didn't leave at its peak, his role in its production ceased with Ultima Online: The Second Age because he was now salvaging Ultima 9. Ultima Online didn't reach its peak for a long time after he was gone.
I think you'll also find that most of the original Ultima Online team left not long after release. Including Q/A testers who worked their way up to the design team.
...General British... **Scoffs** I'm so sick of it. Every third thread becomes about "British This, Garriott That, Tabula Rasa Is The Bomb."
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Did I say any of that in my post? Garriott was quoted in a UO Radio interview from September as saying he'd welcome any correspondance by those incharge of Ultima but didn't hold hope for it due to "corporate" factors.
This is UO. Well, this is what's LEFT of UO, anyways. Let's talk about UO, and not talk about World Of Starcraft. Richard "Lord British" Garriott is no longer part of UO. That's been years, now; so let's not talk about him. In fact, many years. A great very many many years. Get over it. The King Is Dead. Dead! Long long long dead. A great very many long long dead. Dead, and gone. And so is 'pre-AOS' and especially 'pre-Tram'. Let it rest. Enough is enough.
And since the king is dust and Lady Dawn is lame - Sherry Mouse for Monarch!
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Read the topic you fool, it's a comparison between two major companies and how some can do things the other (of equal capability) cannot. So drop this stupid drama queen routine and try and post something that represents the ability of someone older than 3.