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If we have giant mushrooms…


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And giant mushrooms we can live inside with levitation chambers, where racist dark elves call everyone "N'wahs"


Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Love to see it

ill have to remake one to show ya. i had made one a couple years ago but i dont think i took any shots of it before i started tearing the house apart to sell it. ill see if i have the stuff to make another. i can show ya the play room i painted for my little girl though , i know he was suposta bee green, and he was but he clashed with the walls lol so i changed his color=) 213007804_6023645807660396_3168395891466120556_n.jpg 300384337_8213130952045193_3176458690556604430_n.jpg 300662687_8213131145378507_1918867341085655894_n.jpg