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If all I am going to do is Tame Why Veterinary


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If all I am going to do is tame pets is there are reason why I would need to take a skill up with Veterinary? I know that it will affect my Stable Slots, which I can get around with a quick stop at my SoulStone Farm on my way to the stable ... but it seems that I could use that skill slot for something more usefull .... :confused:

Of course when I hunt with my pets I would swap things around and THEN I would have 120 Vet ....

Does that sound like a plan?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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That's fine.


Vet slows once you hit 85+, and slows again somewhere in the 90s. ive been 90something vet for quite some time and do quite a bit of vetting. i'd suggest training it now unless you have some reason to not spend the skill pts at this point.

of course vetting comes when you want to keep a pet alive, and keep it around. so if you havent chosen any pets to BOND yet, there's no point, unless you just want to be ready for that moment.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Vet slows once you hit 85+, and slows again somewhere in the 90s. ive been 90something vet for quite some time and do quite a bit of vetting. i'd suggest training it now unless you have some reason to not spend the skill pts at this point.

of course vetting comes when you want to keep a pet alive, and keep it around. so if you havent chosen any pets to BOND yet, there's no point, unless you just want to be ready for that moment.
He doesn't want to drop vet entirely, just stone it off during taming for another skill, such as magic resist. Should be ok, as long as he adds vet back to his toon before heading to a peerless or something.


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If you fight necro monsters or high end bosses, odds are you won't use Vet unless your pet dies. Since we can now rez pets via NPCs, the Vet skill is fairly useless if all you do is high end killing, especially if you have a cramped template like a bard or something.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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If your pet dies during a peerless encounter, you will not be able to rely on an NPC vet. Also, you have to wait a period of time after combat before you can resurrect your pet, so if you were in the middle of a champ spawn, you may have lost progress before you return. In my mind, vet is still pretty essential for a PvM tamer.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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If all I am going to do is tame pets is there are reason why I would need to take a skill up with Veterinary? I know that it will affect my Stable Slots, which I can get around with a quick stop at my SoulStone Farm on my way to the stable ... but it seems that I could use that skill slot for something more usefull .... :confused:

Of course when I hunt with my pets I would swap things around and THEN I would have 120 Vet ....

Does that sound like a plan?
It could be a good plan, depending on your other skills.
What do you have now?
What could you add (instead of Vet)?
How would you benefit from it?
If there is no appreciable benefit or use from the other skills, then you are just wasting your time with unnecessary soul stoning.

Stayin Alive,



Maybe my experience will change when I finally net that uber Greater Dragon. Or maybe I am not experienced enough with pets. But my initial reaction to someone saying Vet is now useless because a NPC will res your pet after its been dead 10 minutes for high amounts of cash is to disagree.

I will let you know in 6 months if I come across this post and still agree with it. :)


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If your pet dies during a peerless encounter, you will not be able to rely on an NPC vet. Also, you have to wait a period of time after combat before you can resurrect your pet, so if you were in the middle of a champ spawn, you may have lost progress before you return. In my mind, vet is still pretty essential for a PvM tamer.
Well, I usually don't use a tamer if the pet has a high chance to die (ie my inability to heal it; too hard for me to 1v1 grizzle for example, travesty, or the sand thief, need to log in and out to even try the first two, and I totally suck at trav 1v1 lol.). You always have chance of a client crash or something though. A lot of places you can just be gimp and use ball or log in and out to save pet (if it is a G Drag -- any other pet is hard to save that way).

You raise valid points though, with timer especially. I usually hunt in a group of 4 or more for PvM, so I can get by without Vet on my bard/tamer (my main tamer is 6x120 Chiv/Mage/Med/Tame/Lore/Vet).


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Again .... remember that this is ONLY for when I am looking for and Taming new pets .... not when I am hunting WITH ONE.

Here's what I can have right now on my Tamer (I have all the skills either on other characters or soulstones) and my Tamer has all the CAPS that he needs .... Real Skills add up to 720 ...

the rest is on Armor, Jewelry, Talisman, Spellbooks, etc that I am currently imbuing

Taming 120
Lore 120
Resisting Spells 120
Evaluate Int 120
Meditation 120
Magery 115
Focus 70

Right now I am also at 2.4 on Honor (4th Dot on the Third Set .... 6 dots short of Knight)

FCR6, FC2, as much Mana Cost Reduction, Spell Damage Increase, and Mana Regen as I can squeeze onto everything.

The Magery, Eval Int and Mana Helpers are to get myself out of Trouble if I find myself in the middle of allot of "unfriendlys'

The Skills plus Mods on my Tamer when I hunt will be different

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
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That looks like a solid set-up for general hunting and searching for future pets. As long as you have good armor and an appropriate spelbook, you should be able to handle yourself well.

What is your set-up for hunting? Do you substitute Resisting Spells for Veterinary?

Stayin Alive,



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Not sure yet about what skills would get changed ..... Vet for sure .... would like maybe a way to throw in discord ... like I said, not sure. I'm open to suggestions.

Funny you should mention having the right spellbook .... I was watching someone toast Artic Orge Lords last night .... had an Orge Slayer Spell Book ... two flamestrikes and the AOL Dropped. Something to be said for having a bunch of Slayer Spellbooks and grabbing the right one at the right time.


Babbling Loonie
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Personally I have all my tamers with vet when they're taming new pets, so I'm not sure what else I'd put in their templates aside from meditation lol. But seriously you don't need a complex template to tame things. If you're using honor it'll be even easier than normal lead taming. You need taming, a method of healing yourself and if you want to beat the pet down first either a pet to do it, or you can use the other skills instead. After that, whatever you want :) You could have a stealth herder tamer to make selecting pets easier, but that's as complex as I'd suggest.

If in doubt, mess around on test centre and you don't have to pay for any insurance when you mess up.
