I think i have the ultimate solution... Why don't they just make all shards accessible via moongate to all shards Or connect groups of shards (Like free char x-fer but moongate form with a list of available shards). It would level things out a bit i think and no one would lose homes or anything. Heck you would probly gain a better location. Spawns wouldnt be as controlled as you would have alot more to choose from with less risk and more people could interact throughout shards. Kinda like the crystal being put pack together kinda deal. (One mondain broke). Could be turned into a event maybe? I just thought of it so dont know if its been brought up in the past? And im sure it sounds buggy. But i think it could work. Many more benefits than i listed so think about it and give me your opinion. Ive been playing UO on Pacific since it all started. Just want it to keep it going and gain a little population or at least bring more players together. Happy Holidays btw everyone. L8r