Im not a MOD but I have read the ROC and I do my best to follow the few simple rules there are.
Let me see if I can clear up some confusion. . .
A.Show respect at all times.
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Think this is self explainitory.
C. Personal attacks are prohibited.This specifically means any text/post that is blatantly attacking another person on or off the forum, especially in a personal way.
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Think this one means "No Name Calling" , just my perception.
D. Trolling is prohibited.Trolling is whenever someone is clearly, deliberately posting in a manner for the purpose of angering and/or insulting the other participants of the board. Trolling DOES NOT encourage further discussion in the long run, it only encourages personal attacks (if left unchecked).
[/ QUOTE ] This would qualify the very first post that was locked. Again my perception.
J. Posting of pornography, racist or otherwise discriminating remarks, threats to cause physical or mental harm, extreme offensive language, material that breaks any law or otherwise totally unacceptable posts or links to pages that contain the aforementioned material may result in an immediate ban from the forums.
[/ QUOTE ] Here I would see discriminating remarks and extreme offensive language.
There are ways to say what is wanting to be said without all the cussing and extreme name calling.
Now my thoughts one L33T PvP'rs . I thought the best of the best extreme L33T PvP'rs played on siege? ?