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Idea For Runebooks



Cant we have rune books with sub menues or something so we dont have rune books cluttering ower packs for instance you open your runbook and heres what you would see

*Tram Cities ------>opens a list of tram cities
*Fel Cities ------>opens a list of fel cities
*Dungeouns ------>opens a list of dungeouns
*Shrines ------>opens a list of shrines

I am prety sure this has been mentioned before.I for one think its a great idea probably can tweak it to make it even better any one?


Do you really need to carry around that many runebooks? I never carry all my spots. I keep dungeon, shrine and city runes in my house, and a quick-reference book for my most frequently visited sites in my pack. Three runebooks, on average.

You're not supposed to be able to have easy access to every single possible location without having to give up anything at all.

If you want to have convenience, you have to pay for it. It's not much, but you lose item count. I don't see any reason to change it other than to give people who don't want to make one extra hop an extra item slot in their backpack.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I myself try to keep down the number i carry, but i have friends with heaps on all their characters. would be nice if they let us have more space in them don't need names or anything but like 25 pages total would be nice for 50 spots but then oh well doubt will ever see this implemented.


at most I would carry 3 books - 1 of which had my house rune in it. Banks for the facet, shopping spots and dungeons for the facet.


On any character I typically carry 3-5 books in a W formation near the top of my pack. I don't frequent any more than 80 spots by habit so I don't see the need for more than 5 books. My default locations are..

1st-house / bank / 2nd-house
dungeon / shop

If you don't want to leave your rune books at home, try banking your excess books. Odds are you'd be gating/recalling from the bank when you head out anyway. Pop them in small dyed/labeled boxes for easy sorting. I have taming collections and the like stashed in the bank for when I need them. My treasure hunter has a full set of map runes in a gold box in his bank box, his own personal library.


I like having 3-4 seperate books, this makes recalling off a default spot easy in KR.