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Idea for Bards

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
any good bard that does spawns knows the usefulness of the Fire Horn, well how about making Ice horn, Poisonous horn, Charged Horn, and Shrill horn (phys dmg). dont think itd be too hard to add them and would give spawn hunting bards a variety of dmg to deal. whatcha think?



I would like to see bards become song based rather than instrument based. A zero creativity approach could be based on the way spellbooks work currently.

Make the instruments equipable with appropriate mods. Carry a songbook with various tunes.

Each tune has a different melody, or a melody / instrument combo. Each tune has a variation on the classic barding effects, modified by base skill in those bard skills.

In addition peace, provo, and disco effects tunes could deal direct damage, area damage, paralyze, buffs/debuffs, etc.

Maximal effects would require 4 x 120 bard skills, minimizing gimpability.

Oh well.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yea would love to see the songbook ideas get worked in, figured the new horns could be an easy addition to keep us bards happy for a lil while.


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Bards really do need some love, currently they are pretty much useless as a Solo character, even against monsters that are easily soloed by most other templates. Fine Example, I was down with some friends doing Navrey with my pure bard..


I could peace and Disco Navrey allowing their pets to mow through them in a heartbeat, but I get 0 fame 0 karma 0 credit towards damage done. Meaning 0 looting rights, all in all Bards are the ultimate Support characters but have little merit on their own.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could've spammed Mind Blast and EVs.

I stoned Peace/Provo off my bard to have a disco tamer, but before that he was still pretty effective solo.

Heck, you could get a SCNP mage wep bow and do damage that way.


i'd like to see bards be able to play different songs for one. perhaps different songs would benefit party/guild members nearby, like increased regeneration, or such. or at least let musicianship work like entice, it was fun charming nobles.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
any good bard that does spawns knows the usefulness of the Fire Horn, well how about making Ice horn, Poisonous horn, Charged Horn, and Shrill horn (phys dmg). dont think itd be too hard to add them and would give spawn hunting bards a variety of dmg to deal. whatcha think?
I like it.

pacific lily

Bards really do need some love, currently they are pretty much useless as a Solo character, even against monsters that are easily soloed by most other templates. Fine Example, I was down with some friends doing Navrey with my pure bard..


I could peace and Disco Navrey allowing their pets to mow through them in a heartbeat, but I get 0 fame 0 karma 0 credit towards damage done. Meaning 0 looting rights, all in all Bards are the ultimate Support characters but have little merit on their own.

Tell your friends to let you get some hits in so you can get looting rights. If they don't hook you up, they're not really your friend.

I play a pure bard when I hunt with friends, and though I always have to REMIND them to let me hit something a few times before they slaughter it with their pets or not to kill the lesser spawn so I can provo it onto the big one, they are always accommodating. Most of them have never played a bard or other low-damage character so you might have to explain the situation to them first.

to the OP: i like the idea but it's bad enough I gotta carry around half a dozen firehorns... the song-based barding sounds more reasonable.



My Bard is amazing he can solo Shimmering, Dark Fathers, Champ Spawns, often gets called in by weaker Tamer friends to kill off the parragon Cu's 2 at a time. My Tamer is amazing too he can solo all of the Gauntlet and Champ Spawns but solo the Bard still has the edge when played right. During invasions my Bard is really in his element, one Discorded general with many other non Discorded things Provoked on him tears it appart much faster than my Tamer, though I haven't got my Frenzies yet.

I'm all for the OP's idea, its not that Bards are weak, its that they never get anything new so they've become less popular.

I'd also like to see shorter skill delays for Discord & Provoke, 1 careless Peace undoes a lot of Provokes, that could be a new item property. Properties also to increase the renewal speed to something useful. I'd also like to see all the non Provokables made Provokable and more damage options in general.