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Id wands

  • Thread starter imported_Kallie Pigeon
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

imported_Kallie Pigeon

I have a bunch of ID wands and before I throw them away I thought I would check to see if they are worth anything. I was refered to this forum to ask so are they? As long as I am here are invis items or teleport rings worth anything also?

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have seen invis item/tele rings go for 1-2k per charge. ID items you might worth tossing out. I have a chest full and have thrown out chests of them. No use for them and then there are just so many of them. Best can tell you there. Might wait see what others have to see.

imported_Kallie Pigeon

Thanks for the answer. I feel so much better about tossing them out LOL


I kept the highest charge of each type of wand...

But then again...

I do that with everything..
