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[Buying] I'd like to buy some veteran rewards.

so young

monster statues 15 kinds
dragon turtle
khal ankur
dark father
krampus minion
platinum dragon
crimson dragon
myrmidex queen
navrey night-eyes
(I have zipactriotl(mini monster) and sheep statue. You can exchange it for one of the items on top.)

- bronze cloaks or robes (three quantities)
- verite cloaks or robes (two quantities)
- ice green cloaks or robes (two quantities)

I want to buy these items at a good price.

I will delete it whenever I buy it.

I'd like you to talk to me at ICQ 747368499
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You dont need to buy specific types of Veteran robes or whatnot. You can turn them into any other type of that color. I.E. you can make a valorite robe into a cloak. Just take your item to moonglow in the Lycaeum in the first building on the right is a chest. Just drop the robe in and receive the cloak. Keep doing so and it will cycle throught each one of the items. This might be easier for you.

so young

You dont need to buy specific types of Veteran robes or whatnot. You can turn them into any other type of that color. I.E. you can make a valorite robe into a cloak. Just take your item to moonglow in the Lycaeum in the first building on the right is a chest. Just drop the robe in and receive the cloak. Keep doing so and it will cycle throught each one of the items. This might be easier for you.
Oh thank you for giving me good information ~