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I wonder what the UO NPC would have said in this article...

El of LA

Babbling Loonie
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This is comedy and a little off-topic, but I thought it would be welcome here! The thing is, I couldn't help but wonder while reading this article what the UO NPCs would have said in this article! However, the author, Matthew Dessem, from Slate.com, would probably have needed to talk with one of those quest NPCs who use a key word to respond! I truly enjoyed reading this article. It obviously was written by a 'true gamer!' https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/free-guy-npc-interviews-ryan-reynolds.html?via=rss



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This is comedy and a little off-topic, but I thought it would be welcome here! The thing is, I couldn't help but wonder while reading this article what the UO NPCs would have said in this article! However, the author, Matthew Dessem, from Slate.com, would probably have needed to talk with one of those quest NPCs who use a key word to respond! I truly enjoyed reading this article. It obviously was written by a 'true gamer!' https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/free-guy-npc-interviews-ryan-reynolds.html?via=rss
***wondering healer takes a sit and the bar drinks down a keg of ale looks to the Bar tender*** Here I was minding my own walking in the open fields of when this Red gate opened. Out came a army of blues fleeing the lands of murder then out of No wear houses starting falling from the Havens. A dang keep fell right on top of me.

~~~Bar tender looks over and says~~ If a keep feel on you how are you alive?

*** Healer takes one more drink*** There is this Void in the walls By grace I was standing in the right spot and ended up in the void of the wall. The owner of the keep kept laughing as I cried for help.

~~~Bar tender looks up with a smile and says~~~ When did this happen? you look fine to me

***Healer looks down at his glass*** I don't know how long its been all I had to live on was the grass and some bugs I found but then I started to dig with the wooden fork I always have for my dinner. When I got out I looked around and there was Castles, Towers all over the field and even one tower that had a small house on top.

~~~Bar tender asks~~ Where this be at?

*** Healer says*** Was just north of Minoc in the fields

This story is bought to you just after Tram was released I ended up interviewing the healer and wrote it all down.


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Given we're talking Ryan Reynolds here.....
