I know that scripting programs have been booted for obvious reasons, but I still miss certain sites that used them to make shopping a million times easier. Now I run around Luna for three hours looking for one thing but never seem to find it.
Don't get me started on the obvious lack of power scrolls.
Are people with Luna vendors feeling the loss of these sites? Two people I spoke with said normally they would make double what they were and some of the stuff they were selling would have gone a -lot- faster, but they didn't have those search engines for lazier people so there went half their business.
Don't get me started on the obvious lack of power scrolls.
Are people with Luna vendors feeling the loss of these sites? Two people I spoke with said normally they would make double what they were and some of the stuff they were selling would have gone a -lot- faster, but they didn't have those search engines for lazier people so there went half their business.