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I need in game help


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My castle or my account is bugged .I cannot transfer this to another account with equal upgrades .It keeps saying the character you wish to trade lacks the entitlements to receive this. Please lower the secures
both are same he has a keep at 60% storage and the castle is 60 %
the castle is condemned and I am in danger of losing it and I cant get GM help
I USED chat online and SENT EMAIL uo bugs to help
Chat sent me to the uoforum , can you believe that?
uo bugs sent me zero
Cal please help

Old Man of UO

Yep... happened to me with my Keep. The only way I could transfer was to reduce the item counts in the house.

Here is one way to do that quickly. Make sure the house is secure, private and remove everyone from the grant/friends list. Then friend a character from the second that you wish to transfer to. Using the first account, unlock and unsecure as many containers as it takes to reduce the item count down. Then try to transfer the house to the second account. If you still get the message, unsecure more containers.

Remember, you have two hours before those unsecure containers and unlocked items will decay.

If someone has a better way to do this, I'd like to know also.