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I need help!


Evies Hope

I recently bought and loaded the S.A. on my computer, during my fumbling to learn this new program and 3-d ( which really is to much for my computer) I have lost the character bar (lower right hand corner) for one of my characters. I have looked under and around the screen for this bar and its gone! If anyone else has had this problem and can assist me I would appreciate it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are talking about the enchanced client rigth? Easiest way to fix is to delete that character's profile from "my documents\ea games\...\<shard name>\"

Can't remember the exact path, but you should be able to find it easily enough.

There should be a file there for each of the characters you have logged on before. These files do not have a file extension (ie no .txt or .cfg etc)

Then copy of one the existing ones for another character and rename it to the one you deleted.