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I Need An Advice on Template


Stratics Veteran
Greetings everyone!

I am a returned player after over 10 years and now seeking for a new template for my tamer as there are so many new things in the game to be considered. As of the template, I have been struggling for 1 week and need some advices from experienced tamers who encountered new bosses and fights. At this moment my only concern is mana regeneration and I need some help wheater I really need meditation/focus as human tamer.

Currently I am planning to go for Mage/SPW/Disco Tamer:
120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Spellweaving
120 Discordance
120 Music
100 Magery
80 Veterinary

It makes totally 780 skillcap. I have Mark of Travesty with Discordance along with +Magery Scrappers Compendium and +30 Skilled Jewel. As Human I have 20 Med/Focus and 25 Mana Regeneration. I do not know the current encounters like roof, peerless bosses except Dreadhorn and Shimmering. The question is, can I keep my mana stable with consume damage mastery and greater heal (with reneawel from spw) and WoD after 35%HP? If not, can transforming Wraith Form via Scroll solve this problem? Mostly I will be playing with my brother, if we take this into account, is your answer still the same? And what if I would play as solo and do some champion spawns?

The second question, is Discordance really worth it because I will spend 190 Real+50 Bonus Skill for it? I am asking this question because you can get discordance simply by spending only 500 points on a pet. At this point, should I completely remove Discordance and go for Meditation/Focus and PSed Magery? At this point, the template could be as:

120 Animal Taming
120 Animal Lore
120 Spellweaving
120 Meditation
120 Magery
100 Veterinary
60 Focus

I am really confused about the templates really need some advices from all of you :) If you could share your experiences, I would be very happy...

I wish all of you a good day and good game,

Best Regards


its rare to find someone who runs meditation these days IMO, when you stack up LMC and enough mana regens its not really necessary. I have no issue maintaining consume and casting the occasional spell on either of my tamers - i wouldnt expect to be able to spam gheal nonstop at the same time youre running consume though. Once a boss is redlined to wod level, i generally drop consume in favor of offensive casting.

on my necro tamer in wraith form i can spam wither and maintain consume indefinitely.