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I love my new shard!



I just wanted to post a quick note to tell everyone on GL how refreshing it is to belong to a shard where folks are friendly. I've just started moving from Atlantic after a month long survey of other shards. I chose GL because withing a few minutes of logging on I notice Manx soliciting for a Corgul run--everyone invited. This is virtually unheard of on Atlantic where General Chat is continually monopolized by little boy pvp chatter--"mine is bigger than yours...etc."

Yesterday I participated in 2 corgul runs and one doom trip. All were a blast, and for the first time in a long time...I had fun!

Thank you Great Lakes.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I see you have discovered, we aren't entirely free of Global Chat smack-talking and ugliness, but I am pleased to see that we also offer more than that as well.

Welcome to Great Lakes.

-Galen's player


GL's charm is that it isnt as crowded as Atlantic but you'll still have a pretty easy time to find others to play with, if you so choose.

Or place a house. :thumbsup:


Welcome. I've seen you on a few times. I hope you continue to enjoy it here.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Welcome to GL's if ever there is something you need just PM me I'll see if I can help you find what your looking for.