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I like the new LOOT!

Yenji Yasagari

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Second level 7 chest I've done in my two days back to UO, and it netted this lil baby.

1/4 Casting and FCR
10 SSI
20 HCI
25 DI
25 Enhance Potions
+8 Dex
+4 Mana
+10 Magery

Jesus, this was a fel map with 2000 luck. Definitely satisfied.

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Wiki Moderator
Nice find! Congrats!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Second level 7 chest I've done in my two days back to UO, and it netted this lil baby.

1/4 Casting and FCR
10 SSI
20 HCI
25 DI
25 Enhance Potions
+8 Dex
+4 Mana
+10 Magery

Jesus, this was a fel map with 2000 luck. Definitely satisfied.
Antique sure?