I was once again killed by a mage casting FS and Explosion on me. True he hit me first with a meteor swarm, BUT did NOT reveal me so i started walkng away.
REMAINING STEALTHED, he followed me and Cast Exp then FS and hit me with both. AT no time was I revealed.
It doesnt matter ifi i am tracked, or not in no way shape or form shuold a direct target spell be able to hit anyone stealthed, or hidded.
It is clearly a broken part of last target or target nearest, or somthing else.
Please can we get this fixed it it trulel sad that a legendary stealther dies like this.

REMAINING STEALTHED, he followed me and Cast Exp then FS and hit me with both. AT no time was I revealed.
It doesnt matter ifi i am tracked, or not in no way shape or form shuold a direct target spell be able to hit anyone stealthed, or hidded.
It is clearly a broken part of last target or target nearest, or somthing else.
Please can we get this fixed it it trulel sad that a legendary stealther dies like this.