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[Discussion] I just lost a item at raresfest

Ducan IronWeaver

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I placed a item on my vendor to sell. As I was typing in the price of the item a player somehow bought it for extremely cheap.. I don't know how it was bought, the price gump was still up and i was typing in it.
The gump was not up for a long time. I placed the item cump came up and i started typing in 125 mil. Before i could finish typing it it was bought..

This def sucks =(
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Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
What was the item if I may ask?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Odd, as I was looking at a vendor the other day the owner dropped an item on it and as I looked at it it was only 4 gold, was a box or plant I think and I just closed the bag, so there is a period of time the item is vulnerable I suppose.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Odd, as I was looking at a vendor the other day the owner dropped an item on it and as I looked at it it was only 4 gold, was a box or plant I think and I just closed the bag, so there is a period of time the item is vulnerable I suppose.
That is vendor price.
The person purchasing should have gotten the message telling him or her they had to wait a minute to purchase the item. If people are not getting that message or doing something to work around it we need to report it. Perhaps we need to experiment with this. It seems vendors are very buggy lately.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please report as much detail of the incident as possible to the Devs. There SHOULD be a grace period of a minute before an item can be purchased.

I encourage folks to always double check their items and the amount they have it on there for.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let's keep this thread on topic and related to this incident please. This incident is not a matter of someone not being paid, but rather the item being bought before the timer should have been up and getting it for the default price.


Seasoned Veteran
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The timer was working on Lake Superior as of a few days ago. Placed a bag of goods on vendor for a friend to buy and she had to wait for timer to purchase. Not sure if that is helpful and I would encourage more testing, particularly on the shard in question.

Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I placed a item on my vendor to sell. As I was typing in the price of the item a player somehow bought it for extremely cheap.. I don't know how it was bought, the price gump was still up and i was typing in it.
The gump was not up for a long time. I placed the item cump came up and i started typing in 125 mil. Before i could finish typing it it was bought..
According to my experience, and if this is a wearable item, you may have placed the item on the vendor's backpack and without pricing it, you accidentally pull it onto the vendor's paperdoll. And someone bought it off the paperdoll.