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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I only have one character on Pacific at the moment and I mean that I am back, I am coming back to UO, I have two active accounts where I have all my characters on Europa, I MAY come back to this server, as Europa RP is sort of dying out and not going anywhere, it is sort of uninteresting at the moment.. It was doing good for a while, but lack of involvement and inactivity lately is making RP a little bit rusty on Europa..

If I DO come back to Pacific, it is a huge maybe, moves are always such a pain, but if I do come back, I will begin making plans to rule Pacific..


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you know your comming back because i saw you on europa when i was shopping and asked if you were velvathos. and when you do come back you still owe me one mil for a interview i let you have with some guildies that you never made into a book like you said, and then you can rule pac.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you know your comming back because i saw you on europa when i was shopping and asked if you were velvathos. and when you do come back you still owe me one mil for a interview i let you have with some guildies that you never made into a book like you said, and then you can rule pac.
When was this? And I don't owe you a million.. *snares*

Also, when did you see me on Europa? I started playing again yesterday, I must have been AFK otherwise I probably would have seen it..