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I have come home

Ldy Death

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings all for those that wonder who I am an those that know an wondered were i have gone I am Lady death better known as Lady Retribution Daughter of Death Lord Dracus an those that ran The Fallen Lords so many years ago . I reach out to all those blood children lovers lost ones you name it I am here an loud an proud an my thirst grows for my minions to come home well over 250 we were + an the guild was placed in Lord Oggie's hands my trusted right hand . so many names could flow past my lips but so little time

feel free to contact me
Jakk aka my revenge on uo :p
cecil nad all of you
fireing up old icq tho i prefer to skype now a days


Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back to Pacific, Ldy ! Come over to UHall and say hi when you get a chance...