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[Discussion] I guess its buyer beware!!!


Monty Hall

Ok, so I thought I got a Great deal at the Rares Fest. 6 pieces all the same name!!! Good Name. With the LORD title in the name. 80m...hmmm Lets see, normally a piece for a set like this runs the 15-20m range, for a sinlge piece, I'm getting a set!!! @ around 13.5m per...Sounds like a deal!!! Until I get it home and this set DOESN'T lock down!!! Seems this character was named Lord something or other, not a true Lord from positive or negative Karma. Thanks to the Seller, for putting out an item that they KNEW wouldn't lock down. Appreciate it.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
Sorry I am a little new to this so why exactly does it not lock down?


I guess I don't get it either.. why would that affect them locking down?


oooh.. for some reason I thought he was talking about armor.. which really confused me.. but duh, body parts..


Ya I know what you are talking about. Orc chief had a body part set but as you said they don't lock down.

From my experiences if it says "The" before the body part then it can be locked down.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember seeing that set at the fest, but to my knowledge i've never seen a body part besides a head that can be locked down on its own. Its still a cool set though, maybe lock it down in a chest?

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
As shulginist said, the general rule is that if it says "The" before the head, it is able to be locked down. Though, like Athelas, I have never seen a body part (aside from the head) that was able to be locked down by itself.

Finding multiple body parts with the same name is difficult. The fact that you managed to get a whole set is amazing. Personally, I would lock it down in a chest for display.

DJ Sandman

Put them in a chest to display. To bad you can't open up a coffin to display them in.