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I forgot how to garden..question:



I am growing the bright green snake plants to get thorns (for the new naturalist mutant quest!).

But i can't remember: should i cross them with each other for a chance of black/white mutant? Or will doing so make them not produce the thorns?

They are on day7 now 0/8 resourses, 0/8 seeds


you will still get the thorns from the xpollenated plants, and the plants they produce also make thorns. ( bright green snake plant + bright green snake plant makes a bright green snake plant)


If you happen to get black/white seeds from the parent plant, you will get thorns from the parent plant, but the black/white seeds will only grow to black/white snake plant, and produce neither seed or thorn.


you will still get the thorns from the xpollenated plants, and the plants they produce also make thorns. ( bright green snake plant + bright green snake plant makes a bright green snake plant)


If you happen to get black/white seeds from the parent plant, you will get thorns from the parent plant, but the black/white seeds will only grow to black/white snake plant, and produce neither seed or thorn.

Thanks! now i know i can cross them with each other and still get the same plant plus maybe a mutant :)