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i feel sorry for slave girl

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Feeling sorry for wiener dog? Did you also sympathize when they hung Saddam?

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i see her char running around trying to pick up books in luna what a trooper...

YouTube - Man vs. Wild: Lobster Brains

I am a trooper! Thanks!


Bear Grylles is yummy, thanks for the video!

I would like to say that I am sorry that you paid people to be your friends on Pac and when the money stopped they stopped being your friend.


Maybe you could pick up some illegal books now that you no longer have a guild to be guildmaster of?

Any help would be appreciated!


a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Feeling sorry for wiener dog? Did you also sympathize when they hung Saddam?


KK Mr 3rd Grade name caller who is here I am not sure why:

Saddam Hussein was a low level thug whom the U S A groomed, trained and provided money and weapons to so that he could assassinate the Ayatollah of Iran years ago.

He failed and ended up shooting himself in the foot, but without our help, he would never have become the monster that he did.

I cried for him because he was a human being who was made into a monster by my country for me (in the name of democracy).

This is not something that I expect any third grader to understand, however.

Go back to your pokemons, son, if your 'wife' will let you?

PS: Please do tell your wife who won't let you play UO that I say Woof! Since she sounds like a real Pit Bull I am sure she will have no problem understanding Weiner Dog talk.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Saddam Hussein was a low level thug whom the U S A groomed, trained and provided money and weapons to so that he could assassinate the Ayatollah of Iran years ago.

He failed and ended up shooting himself in the foot, but without our help, he would never have become the monster he that did.

I cried for him because he was a human being who was made into a monster by my country for me (in the name of democracy).

I'm still trying to figure out how that even crossed your mind while reading this thread, and that you needed to share it with us...

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Saddam Hussein was a low level thug whom the U S A groomed, trained and provided money and weapons to so that he could assassinate the Ayatollah of Iran years ago.

He failed and ended up shooting himself in the foot, but without our help, he would never have become the monster he that did.

I cried for him because he was a human being who was made into a monster by my country for me (in the name of democracy).

I'm still trying to figure out how that even crossed your mind while reading this thread, and that you needed to share it with us...


This is a thing that I used to do a lot of before I got UO.

Try it sometime.


Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slave girl is clearly a terrorist. Go cry for saddam more you ugly-as-sin, sad excuse for a human being. I love my country and can't stand for this terrorism in our lovely UO community.

The only word I can think of to properly describe this beast is not used in high society outside of kennels.

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slave girl is clearly a terrorist. Go cry for saddam more you ugly-as-sin, sad excuse for a human being. I love my country and can't stand for this terrorism in our lovely UO community.

The only word I can think of to properly describe this beast is not used in high society outside of kennels.

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