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I did NOT pay $30 to wait like an ass at the shade of Tyball pass



I did NOT pay $30 to wait like an ass at the Shade of Tyball pass. Some guys are farming there and kill the shade in seconds. I can not get the last key.. then more WAIT!


Anon McDougle

i am sure if you ask around someone who has made it through would offer a rune to other side ???


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ask and/or look around for a rune into Ter Mur...
Or better yet, a gate into there.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ask them if you could party up to get the key, or if they don't respond go to luna or brit and ask around for a rune. If you're on Baja I have a rune to ter mur on my front steps in a red runebook, the place is the Yewphorium and its just a few screens east out of the tram yew gate.


Babbling Loonie
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yeah it's a pain in the but. but what i've found is that the underworld is actually a very interesting and well crafted zone - now that i dont *need* to be there, I actually go there freely just to explore.. Theres alot going on there. Though I do know how frustrating it is to *have* to be there.. it took quite a few shades before i finally got my key.


I completely understand. Oh and guys, he can't just borrow someone's rune to get into the abyss. You have to have the keys to do any peerlesses or fights down in Abyss(Underworld whatever it's called).

I was lucky enough to get one character in there while only a couple of others were there. I did get a key that first time. I have not received one since then and the people in there farming cloaks are getting annoying when they laugh everytime because the GD's devour it in a second while the fighters, archers and mages don't even get a hit off.


Not sure why the price increased for the account upgrade.
Personally I don't see a whole lot to show for the increased price at this point.

Unfortunately alot of the "features" such as imbuing seem to be a submission to the issue that duping of val hammers won't/can't be fixed. So why not make val hammer quality weapons and armor common place.

Having said this increasing the price because they chose not to fix bugs is unbelievable to me. Any other IT company would be out of business....


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I did NOT pay $30 to wait like an ass at the Shade of Tyball pass.
actually you did.

sucks, eh?

kinda wish they would have made that 1 per character kinda drop to keep people from farming it.


How stupid was it to put the keys to the Abyss on a creature that spawns an item that everyone will farm.

I don't even understand how the key drops, does it go in your pack or is it loot on the corpse?

I managed to get a few hits in, and even got a shroud from one but no key.



UO Homes & Castles News Reporter
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If youre on Atlantic, multiple librarys have runes out.

Goodmans is the easiest to get to - right behind the zento moongate.


If youre on Atlantic, multiple librarys have runes out.

Goodmans is the easiest to get to - right behind the zento moongate.

Don't you have to get the keys to enter the Abyss?
I don't think you can recall into it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't you have to get the keys to enter the Abyss?
I don't think you can recall into it.
Well if people are marking runes and gating people in then it would seem that no you don't need the keys to enter and yes you can recall into it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can recall then complete the quest from the Tomb of the Kings. You can just enter from the other way instead of from trammel if you want to.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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How about they FIX the creature you're supposed to kill so that the robe drops from additional creatures and that the HP on the creature are higher than the evil mage template it uses to make it more of an actual encounter without overpowering the creature.


Well if people are marking runes and gating people in then it would seem that no you don't need the keys to enter and yes you can recall into it.
I don't think you can gate or recall into the Abyss. Ter Mur yes, but not the Abyss. Can someone confirm?

I know that I can do the Naxatilor quest from Ter Mur, I just wanted to experience the content from the trammel side like it was designed.


Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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The Abyss, the Underworld and Tomb of Kings operate much like Ilshenar, i.e., you can't mark runes in any of them. You also can't cast gate spell to bring someone to you. I haven't tested pet summoning balls or bracelets of binding, but I doubt that they work either.

Unmounted pets also seem to have trouble following their owner past the stone statues guarding the entrance to the Abyss on the Underworld side; however, they sail right on past the Guardians in the Tomb of Kings.

You also can't cast recall or Sacred Journey spell at all on the steps leading down into the Abyss from the Underworld or in the area between the Guardians and the moongate in the Tomb of Kings.

Sneaky Que

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't you have to get the keys to enter the Abyss?
I don't think you can recall into it.
To enter the Abyss without doing the key quest you can simply go to either of the Fel entrances to the new champ spawns and run out of the spawn into the Abyss. You will not be able to run to Ter Mer (through the tomb of kings) but you will be able to bypass the Underworld and access the entire Abyss.

The entrances are in Hythloth (in the balron room with the stairs to the bottom level there is a cave entrance) and Deceit (on the bottom level in the main lich room there is a hole in the floor). Remember it is in FEL until you exit the spawn and enter the Abyss.


Seasoned Veteran
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I completely understand. Oh and guys, he can't just borrow someone's rune to get into the abyss. You have to have the keys to do any peerlesses or fights down in Abyss(Underworld whatever it's called).
When you are in Ter Mur there is another quest to gain access to the Abyss.

Basically, you need to go read a book in the city at the entrance of the Tomb of the Kings where you will find the answers to the question you will have to answer at the shrine of singularity (in a small enclosed valley behind the Tomb og the Kings entrance : you will need to teleport, so if you are a dexxer, bring some teleport scrolls).


Feel the same way as OP.
I wanted my human char to 'follow the right path' and not simply gate there.
Really stupid set up imo.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lucky you he-he, i still haven't received my upgrade code which i purchased first minutes of launch...

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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It took me about an hour to finally get my key.

Between farmers that have to get a robe for each of their chars before Tyball gets beefed up to other key hunters that want to take turns since the keys are on a timer, to the keyhunters that wont take tunrs cause they feel they should not have to wait as long a everyone else.

I have heard everything...you dont need to do the quest , just get a rune, if you cant kill him you need better gear, skill, ISP...

i dont think it works very well...

this is how it would work better:

no need to beef it up, farmers will just bring better gear/or pets

no special robe on a Questmob, or just have the key grop on everyone that attacks him.
And reduce the waiting time to 5 minutes and the robe spawn to 50%


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is pathetic really and its bringing out the worst behavior I have seen for a long time. This really needs to be fixed asap. Move the cloak or increase the number of monsters with keys. Please do something....


Would be nice if it gave just 1 robe to each character per day.
That would stop farmers, I guess.

The Fallout

Well, when I was there me and a guy shared the kill and both got a key. He normally couldn't do enough damage but I let him deal half and me half. I don't understand these asses it isn't that hard to share it.


Put a timer on it 1 per so many hours or 1 per day or even limit it to the number of toons per account


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I think it is pathetic..... and typical of EA/UO and the DEV's.

Only works if you play on a shard with NOBODY around most the time.

Or if you play on a shard with nice people. GL's sometimes has nice people who will ask you .... "Are you just here to get the key?"... and they will stand down and wait for you to get yours..... and then return to farming the cloak... sometimes... however GL's also has it's fair share of "jerks" who would prefer to just ignore you and farm a useless cloak that anyone and everyone else can and will get .. and there is little to no point in farming... certainly wouldn't waste any of my gold on it. Still think reward cloaks are more useful.

And YES something does need to be done... because it's completely silly that anyone and everyone can farm this thing over and over... Honestly I think that like doing Melissa it should give you one..... per character.... and it should go right to your pack when you kill it... and the thing needs more HP....


Crazed Zealot
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I was actually there for a shroud last night, and one of the guys that was there for the key just gave me his. This was after I said I was willing to wait for him to kill for the key, and had let 2 spawn without attacking. He got his key and just gave me his shroud.

This was on Great Lakes by the way.


There was only one person there when I went. He didn't say anything, and since I was on my Mage I'd dropped a couple of EV's and waited. When he spawned I got one FS off that had been precast, then it was dead from the other guy's Cu Sidhe. Both EV's+FS didn't do enough damage to get me looting rights, so the guy let me have the next one to myself. I got both the key and the shroud, thanked him, and moved on to the next part of the quest.


I did finally get my key today for my second char to enter the Underworld thanks to Scissorhands on ATL. We agreed that he would heal me while I fought and he would take the cloak while I got the key. It just takes a little kindness, trust, and good attitude to get by sometimes.

Wish it were the old days when we all could work together to get what we needed......