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[Buying] I am Looking to buy bulk or any amount you have of these 3 items


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am working on a huge house deco project and starting to have trouble finding a couple of items..

The first are the Artifact 1 Rocks that are stolen from Doom(Dont own a thief). These I need a crazy amount of. I have about 70ish of them in the design so far. But still need lots more.. As a estimate I would say I need maybe another 100 of these rocks possably more.. I mostly need the large round ones but can def work with the medium rocks if you have them.

The second item are the large Snow Piles that are like the stalagmites but snow, obviously lol.. Again these I need a great deal of.. I have about 30 as of now and looking for about another 30 or 40 of them.. I need all sized ones but would love more of the larger ones if i can get them(And will pay more for the large ones)...

The final item are the Geodes and the Geode Shards you get from lava fishing.. I dont have alot of these yet maybe only like 10-15 total. I am going to need I would say maybe another 30ish of them and again maybe more.. Color doesn't matter..

My house deco has basicly come to a stand still bc I am having a harder time finding these items now. (I think i bought everyone out on Catskills lol).. I will buy any and all amounts of these 3 items as long as the price is reasonable. I had a few people still trying to sell Geodes at 500k per which is insanely over priced..

I am easy to contact, You can post here, PM me, ICQ 619-885-537 me, or find me in game in General Chat. My main character is Ducan Ironweaver..
Thank you for your time and hope to hear from all of you sellers out there =)