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(Player News) I am freaking back baby



I am sure some of you have the wrong idea reading that.

I haven't played UO for about 2 years on OSI servers. I just got my account reactivated and updated to High Seas.

Looking forward to the changes UO has in store for me.

And to some pvp. Sadly, all of my chars I deleted, except my original Tesla, and all his skills were on Soulstones that dropped I guess when my house fell. So I guess I am starting over.

I still have some gold in the bank.

Any idea what a Val Hammer goes for these days?

-Lord Tesla


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi. And welcome back by the way.

My name is Tyeelor. If you need any help with anything leave a message at my house on SW-4 house bulletin board in trammel Magincia.

UO Pacific. :p


Stratics Veteran
By the way, this is my perm account now. Unless someone wants to unban my LordTesla account so I can have some credit from 2002 or whatever. At least talk to me and lets work something out. I'll be good... ;)