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I’m back after a LONG break.

Clive Dauthi

Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this.

For those who don’t know me I am Brad, though those who do know me know me via Clive of Dauthi (Soldats guild) my main character for many years.

I wanted to take this time for introductions and to announce I am back in Catskills after a two year + break; and am very happy to see the community still going as well as so many old faces still about. I was very active in the old days and though my responsibilities are more now I do hope to play/write as often as I can.

I am looking forward to role-playing with you all, and wanted to thank everyone so far who has introduced themselves already and made my coming back so much easier than I anticipated. My characters are a bit odd compared to what I have seen in the roster so far, but variety is the spice of life and I think we will have some good stories to tell.

I would like to ask for forgiveness in advance, my main days of role-playing was the transition period of between high school and college, so needless to say my mind might have been in an … altered state for a good many nights of rp; that with time has made my memory very fuzzy.

So if you remember me and I don’t recall you I deeply apologize, please just refresh my memory of how our characters interacted an I’m sure (I hope) it will spark my memories right back up.

Also, I’ll be asking a billion questions while I try to get use to UO again but hopefully soon I will be caught up.

See you all in game, and as Clive would say “Noir, Bless”


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Welcome back Clive. I am really glad you are back, and am looking forward to many days rp'ing with you. Dramora has certainly missed you!

Duncan McDermott

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this.

For those who don’t know me I am Brad, though those who do know me know me via Clive of Dauthi (Soldats guild) my main character for many years.

I wanted to take this time for introductions and to announce I am back in Catskills after a two year + break; and am very happy to see the community still going as well as so many old faces still about. I was very active in the old days and though my responsibilities are more now I do hope to play/write as often as I can.

I am looking forward to role-playing with you all, and wanted to thank everyone so far who has introduced themselves already and made my coming back so much easier than I anticipated. My characters are a bit odd compared to what I have seen in the roster so far, but variety is the spice of life and I think we will have some good stories to tell.

I would like to ask for forgiveness in advance, my main days of role-playing was the transition period of between high school and college, so needless to say my mind might have been in an … altered state for a good many nights of rp; that with time has made my memory very fuzzy.

So if you remember me and I don’t recall you I deeply apologize, please just refresh my memory of how our characters interacted an I’m sure (I hope) it will spark my memories right back up.

Also, I’ll be asking a billion questions while I try to get use to UO again but hopefully soon I will be caught up.

See you all in game, and as Clive would say “Noir, Bless”