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HWM-Guard and House Hiding for the win?

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Not It

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
all i can say when i came back to Napa and seeing these lil trammies out in fel i was like WTF.. then i realized that oh ya they dont belong here but wait there are 8 diff houses these clowns run into.. they wont attack cause they know they would get smashed without there precious houses.. also there faction guild has placed 2 houses in from of the Min base.. ya people say well at least they are in fel- all kill is not skill.. when i am on foot and i have 3 of you noobs hittin me and i pound one of you and you scatter.. just sad.. 1v1 any of you noobs anytime even on my aircard.. HWM= Trammies

Gus of Llanowar

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I would like to add to your list their. Laoa i think the guild is may have a few good pvpers in it but their are a few trammies in their also. Was in fel the other and was watching this group of three running around not doing to much. While yes it was my fault for just standing there two of there mages energy fielded me while the other hit me from a distance to finish me off. Once i got rezed regeared i stealthed back to their little group and picked one of their mages with my archer. Once i became visible they scattered and i chased the one i started on til he ran to the yew gate and called guards on me. Just wanted to say that was real noble of ya. im new to PvP and not even close to be one of the greats but dam man have some dignity instead of running for the guards as soon as someone tags you/.


LOL but wait its ok when its 3 LOAO vs 1 HWM out of the house? Or how about when it was 2 of us vs 5 of you? My all kill no skill tamer is having fun =) AND the most fun I have is watching good ole Bio out there talkin trash and then dying 2 seconds later.

Picus of Napa

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Stratics Legend
HWM without a house = Dead HWM. That said more often then not HMW with a house still = dead.

I'm not sure but that would say to me HWM is the suck?

Richard Pryor

This is precisely why I don't pvp unless I have to. No one wants to play pvp in the fashion that I want them to and that is to stand there and let me kill them.

I even tried posting on message boards to point out how selfish and immature my various foes were being by NOT abiding by my request to pvp in the fashion that I wanted, but my posts were ignored.

Sadly, I felt my only recourse was to stop pvping entirely.

Budweiser KDL

This is precisely why I don't pvp unless I have to. No one wants to play pvp in the fashion that I want them to and that is to stand there and let me kill them.

I even tried posting on message boards to point out how selfish and immature my various foes were being by NOT abiding by my request to pvp in the fashion that I wanted, but my posts were ignored.

Sadly, I felt my only recourse was to stop pvping entirely.
It's not like this on good pvp shards. Napa is a joke. Play Pac for a bit. HWM is seriously a joke guild. even when the outnumbering their opponent 3v1 they wont come out of a house. Who runs that guild anyways? I heard it was Slab Hardbody.. if so wtf man? you run a school of little girls or what? And Blind Rage.....where to start....ROFL.. dood....YOU SUCK. thats all.

Not It

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not like this on good pvp shards. Napa is a joke. Play Pac for a bit. HWM is seriously a joke guild. even when the outnumbering their opponent 3v1 they wont come out of a house. Who runs that guild anyways? I heard it was Slab Hardbody.. if so wtf man? you run a school of little girls or what? And Blind Rage.....where to start....ROFL.. dood....YOU SUCK. thats all.
I couldnt of said it any better brother.. and where is Ailish!!! i want that newb face down in the dirt.. then sir zared come to her rescue and BAAMMMM
a family reunion face down @ss up!! man i love this.. lol back on napa Bud and Raza!! WE BACKKKKKKKK


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
all i can say when i came back to Napa and seeing these lil trammies out in fel i was like WTF.. then i realized that oh ya they dont belong here but wait there are 8 diff houses these clowns run into.. they wont attack cause they know they would get smashed without there precious houses.. also there faction guild has placed 2 houses in from of the Min base.. ya people say well at least they are in fel- all kill is not skill.. when i am on foot and i have 3 of you noobs hittin me and i pound one of you and you scatter.. just sad.. 1v1 any of you noobs anytime even on my aircard.. HWM= Trammies

Enough with the pancakes. What the hell do you expect fighting at the gate. Don't matter what shard your on gate fighting is the same bull crap. As for the houses at minax base that is a smart defense to choke up as much area around the front entrance as possible. If you don't like it get the **** outta my back yard.

Jonny boy mccoy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why are you guys on here crying, Is it the fact that you are dying to a trammie A$$ guild as u say pancakes and moaning crying the blues... Just Shut up and play if you don't like how we play Then leave.. Its very simple Go Zerg pac all bud,juvi,and ells, all they do is zerg Drop 80% of the guild u have and see how long you stay fighting oh yea Drop those programs and dont even say you dont use them ill be placing the voice recording that i made on you tube along with all the dead pics of everyone thats drop to US trammie guild!! thats why Half your guild isnt playing no !!!!!!I vote punk buster!!!!

Budweiser KDL

Why are you guys on here crying, Is it the fact that you are dying to a trammie A$$ guild as u say pancakes and moaning crying the blues... Just Shut up and play if you don't like how we play Then leave.. Its very simple Go Zerg pac all bud,juvi,and ells, all they do is zerg Drop 80% of the guild u have and see how long you stay fighting oh yea Drop those programs and dont even say you dont use them ill be placing the voice recording that i made on you tube along with all the dead pics of everyone thats drop to US trammie guild!! thats why Half your guild isnt playing no !!!!!!I vote punk buster!!!!
Dead to your lame guild?? NO...i'd love it if you guys actually came out of a house to fight. Your minax base houses are for defense? How is that when we take the sigs then stand out front of those two houses waiting for your guild to come out and fight us. rofl and i do play pac. LS and baja. and juvi doesn't play napa big guy. grow some and get out of your houses and learn pvp.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mind leaving me out of it, Raza? I told you, I am not in HWM - I am not in any guild for that fact. Currently I am considering playing on GL for factions, as I have a couple chars there specifically built for factions.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The guild in question was quite healthy when I left it, and my leaving had nothing to do with the game at all, so I suggest you STFU and stop e-stalking me.


Must not have too much pwnage for them on their shard that they had to come to Napa the "Joke" shard. Hmmmm

Shard hoppers are lame and what's even worse, BBoard harassment just proves their lameness.

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