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[Discussion] Huge loss to rares community =(. Heaven's Gain


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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As some of you already know Pacific lost a dear friend the other day. Goodbye Moby Grape, ill always and I mean always think of you at every idoc I am at. I am glad Moby's statue was put up at the rares fest teleporter hub as it was sad seeing the empty space by his name.

God Bless you bud you will be missed.


Lore Keeper
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This is the first I have heard of this. Thank you, Lineman, for passing this on to those of us who didn't know.

To Moby Grape's family and friends, I send my condolences. May you be comforted.


Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Rest in Peace, Moby. *pours some single malt whiskey on the ground*


Always Present
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Indeed a sad loss to UO....and a sad loss to all that know him.

If only someone could get in touch with the family/freinds and help ''sort the uo accounts out'' rather than let all the guys stuff fall to the floor...so sad.


Lore Keeper
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This news really hits hard, I knew he'd been battling cancer and it had gone into remission. I had really looked forward to seeing him at this coming rares festival, he will be sorely missed.

Thankyou Lineman for the information.

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Yes, very sad news. I only had one dealing with Moby but certainly thought highly of him after meeting him and trading him. Definitely a loss for our community of collectors...


This comes as a shock to me...I haven't spoken to Moby in some time but had a number of dealings with him in the past and always enjoyed working with him. This is a true shame...My sincere condolences to his family and friends.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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I did not know Moby very well, I've seen him at other rares festivals in the past and talked a bit with him but have not had many dealings with him. However, I still feel deeply saddened by the loss of Moby Grape because i feel it as a loss to the rares community. Not everyone involved in rares knows each other and may just see one another passing by, but everyone involved in the rares community feels this together like one of our soldiers has fallen in battle and he will be missed. My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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I will tell you one story about the kind of guy Moby was. I was at an Atlantic rares fest and ran out of gold like the first hour lol. There was something else I really wanted so I asked Moby if he could give me some gold on Atl if I gave him gold on Pac first. He says to me "how much ya need?" I said about 60m. HE is like ya sure np let me bag it up for you. Ill catch up with you on Pac sometime in the future. And at this point in the game I had only met Moby a cpl times at idocs. Just the kinda guy he way =).

Speedy Orkit

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I haven't known many rares collectors closely in UO, despite being an early collector. However, I think it speaks a lot as a play style, to spend so much gold on items and put them on display for others to enjoy. I did not know you Moby, but condolences to his family, friends, and UO buddies. I hope to hear something about the rares collectors of UO coming together to build a memorial for him. Again, condolences to all who knew him.


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This is the Teleporter Station for the 2010 Pacific Rares Fest I built...

I put together a somewhat "mini-memorial" for everyone to view and say a prayer for...

R.I.P. Moby

P.S. The Teleporter Goes to His Castle Which is His Museum So please visit and pay your respects on the Bulletin Board...


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When are the teleporters going to be opened up for public use? I would like to see Moby's Place.


This is Krystal

thnx you all for you post I will send this forum on to his family.

Also I am working on a Town Banner to be placed near his museum and at it's dedication there will be a memorial for all to attend.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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This is Krystal

thnx you all for you post I will send this forum on to his family.

Also I am working on a Town Banner to be placed near his museum and at it's dedication there will be a memorial for all to attend.
That is awesome Krystal, I am glad that there will be a memorial set up for him. If they do a banner I think a statue of him in his purple suit on his bug would be great. As that is how I will always remember him lol ).


Always Present
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........and like i said after there loss and there greiving period i hope one of the family can deal with Mobys account in the corrct manner...and or even a friend who knew him who plays UO can help the family out......it would be awefull if it fell to the pack wolves and scripters.


Stratics Veteran
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I am truly sad to have heard of the news about Moby Grape. I use to see he and Krystal at almost every IDOC that I stumbled upon hoping to find some Rare and/or Hard to Find Item. He was truly a great guy! He also loaned me some gold at a Rares Festival and even donated some items to my Museum (a Pink Fairy Helmet and some Phoenix Armor pieces to complete my Armor Set) and he never asked anything of me in return, just to be my friend. I would also like to share a story with you as well. On Pacific, I was building a Casino and wanted to use Soulstones combined together to make a neon flashing light effect (like Las Vegas Lights). I asked Moby if he had any old used Soulstones (that you often see discarded at IDOCs) and he said sure, let's go check. He took me to his Castle and searched and found 3-4 full Soulstones and gave them to me in a bag. I told him that I was going to need about 28-30 full Soulstones, but in different colors to use for the flashing effect. He told me that he would grab and save all the Soulstones that he could find and if I gave him a rune to my house that he would even drop them off. I set up a crate marked for "anyone" and sure enough 2 days later there were 4 Soulstones added to it. I also saw that he placed a book in there with a 'friendly" hello message, along with a funny story about how he obtained those particular Soulstones. Every 2-3 days there would be more Soulstones and another book in there with a "friendly" hello and more funny stories! In fact, even after I told him that I finally had enough Soulstones, he would keep dropping them off weeks later with even more stories! I saw him again and said Moby I have enough Soulstones and he said OH!? Are you sure? Yes, I am sure! He just smiled and said you can never have enough Soulstones! Three days later, he dropped off 12 more Soulstones with another book that had a "friendly" hello and yet another story. In the story he said, "message received, but I just had to bring you some more Soulstones because I know that you love them soooo much!

No Moby! I loved you so much...You will truly be missed by me and many others on the Pacific Shard! Not to sure if there any any IDOCs in heaven, but I know God will use Moby Grape's talents and great personality to everyone's advantage!

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
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This is very sad news :(
Thank you for posting the sad news, and also to the people who have shared stories - those made me laugh and gave me a good impression of the kind of person and player he was. farewell to Moby Grape, you and your purple suit will always be missed.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Condolences to the family and friends of Moby Grape. Tetricyde, very nice post and thank you for doing that.