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HR 347

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good-bye free speech. Recently,Obama has signed into law HR 347 that will nullify the right of US citizens to freely express their opinions(i.e. protests) if a secret-service member is near by. The implications of this law can (will) be chilling. Obama and the House/Senate have forgotten the law that states "Government shall make no law abridging the right to free speech."

What the bad part is that the majority of US citizens will blindly vote Obama back into office.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Isnt it ironic? You "free" a country that didnt allow system criticalism by any means and now you got it in your own country?
Or do i get something wrong here as European?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You mostly did devil. While that is a legit manual its not being read with an experienced eye. Sometimes things get declassified a bit to quick. Most of these are poorly written laws from the OP oringional point. As for that manual I just had the chance to give it a once over and while I never saw it while I was in the service it did look legit. That being said I, again without having read the full thing yet, gather that people are taking the most extreme view of what it says its about operating a POW camp, but also about resettlement operations. I should confess that was not one of my duties while I served, but if people are curious I can send out a few feelers to see how heavily this manual is used.