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How to recognize a 2 slot najasaurus?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Hi there -

I am trying to tame a 2 slot naja. Well, there is no sign on them, saying "I am a potential 2 slot dino, tame me plz". What I understood is that initial slots after taming is determined by overall pet intensity. So lets take HP that is in a range between 737 and 854 on these mobs. Am I correct that I am looking for something that is near the lower HP/Str/Int etc etc range to get a 2 slot one?

Regards, Fizzle


Crazed Zealot
Yep..Keep loring them. Problem is you may have to do a little more work and cycle-spawn them by killing them, and when you get one . that has the 2 slots plus the stats you like, then try to tame. Try to get the one you want away from the rest of the (very nasty!) spawn there. I hope you can find one without cycling them.
So first, get a jewel or 2 for faster casting 1 or 2 so you can cast invisibility FAST. If you have peacing it might help with area peacing to stop all meanies in the area aggroing you. Then, run around in there, invisi, and while invisi, lore the naja you just found, and take it from there.
Most important requirement for there is : Death Wish -- get ready for the gray robes several times while there. Thats ok, its a challenge. There are several alternative options.
==1> Build HONOR like crazy, by killing Balrons etc. THEN try HONOR-TAMING these, i.e. sacrifice honor IF you fount the right 2 slotter for you. Usually while honor is active the other mobs there will not aggro you. Honor means you honor yourself, NOT the beast. Then you got to move fast. Go 1 step awa from it, and press your tame macro key. Pressing the key should SPAM taming attempts 20-30 times in like 15-20 seconds. Most are fails..thats ok. Keep shooting the attempts. Then oops you will see the blue lettering "You begin to tame..." etc. Then Hit invisi FAST. Dont move. Afer few attempts the "a najasaurus" lettering is green, and the pet is yours. Soot one command "all follow me". Now you notice that HONOR has expired and othe beasts in the area are giving you dirty looks. NOW get the heck out of there FAST : By RECALLING OUT! Yep you just recalled outside of your home in a safe area. NOW log out QUICK, and log back in QUICK. AHA!!! Ypu new pet is at your side. Then FEED the litle sneaky snake : Raw meat right away..Hmm hes happy now. Now you moongate him to the stables and wait 1 week. NOpe this is a common practice, and its legit. OR :
==>2> If you dont have the proper gear/skillset on char, then have some1 else get you one FREE. We do that ALL the time, for the asking. OR
==>3> Get ripped off in Atl and buy one from magincia vendors for 500k-700k-1M-5M and other ridiculous sums.
GL to you, hope this helps a little..please leave a post here, and a pic with the stats of your Naja..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try to get a 2 slot Najasaurus with around 200 DEX (not too much over, and definitely not below 190), and also has high Resist (they spawn with between 150-190 Resist). I ended up scoring a pretty sweet 2 slot Najasaurus for myself.
This is what he looked like fresh tame.
Naja 1.PNG Naja 2.PNG

This is what he looks like at 5 Slots. He's a FWW+Poison Breath Najasaurus (nasty AoE for champs), and is up to 106+ Ninjitsu now. He still has room to 120 all of his skills, i just don't have the PS. I changed his name at some point to Naga.
Naja 1.PNG Naja 2.PNG Naja 3.PNG Naja 4.PNG Naja 5.PNG Naja 6.PNG Naja 7.PNG Naja 8.PNG Naja 9.PNG Naja 10.PNG Naja 11.PNG


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Najasaurus1.png najasaurus2.png najasaurus3.png

Hey Folks, thx all for that kind advice! So this is my first naja, 2 slot, and I can't wait to get it bonded and train him. Did it the good old "invis" way (all about timing, not too easy sometimes, but was successfull) and was happy to pull it out without getting involved into too much probs (always have my 3 slot fully trained cu on my side if things get worse). I am just too scared concering the log in/out thing, things can go fast there.

Was fun! Kind regards, Fizzle


Crazed Zealot
Welcome and Good job! Grats for the Naja.. Also to get faster casting +1 on top of other FC you have from gear try the city loyalty thing that gives it to you every 24 hrs I think, or at least I think it lasts that long. But the loyalty costs several thousand iron ingot (5,000 ingots? not sure, or some gold again not too sure how much) but the ability to get the buff every day lasts for months each time. Naja taming can be a little tricky, but fun.
Oh..And it is not necessary to repeat other people's mistakes, including mine : Stam Regen of 30 likely is a waste of training points, and for pets that have high HP like over 700-800 its an overkill, stam regen of 5-10 may be ok. Make sure you max base damage to 33, put int to 370, mana pool of up to 400-500, ESP if you add Frenzied WW. Use the points productively and you will have a pet that is a pleasure to play with.
Also at the end you may want to leave 620 training points open and available for when you get PS. Pet is still awesome without PS by the way, but get a cheap 110 Wres PS as a place keeper, and when you get 120 wres then you may want to use. Unfortunately some PS prices are going up instead of down, and Wres is still very exp..Good luck to you..
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh..And it is not necessary to repeat other people's mistakes, including mine : Stam Regen of 30 likely is a waste of training points, and for pets that have high HP like over 700-800 its an overkill, stam regen of 5-10 may be ok. Make sure you max base damage to 33, put int to 370, mana pool of up to 400-500, ESP if you add Frenzied WW. Use the points productively and you will have a pet that is a pleasure to play with.
I put SR to 30, because at that point, all he really had left to bump is Health, Mana or SR. He already has 887 Health, his 125 Mana was fine (spamming FWW within 4 secs of itself doesn't produce the secondary "DoT" effect that deals most of the damage), and there are certain creatures that can wreck a pet's Stamina, namely Macer Captains in Blackthorns. This pet's main role is dishing out damage, so i wanted to make sure he kept his Stamina as high as possible.