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How to PVP.

Lizzard of Baja

Stratics Veteran
The rules of pvp, if you follow all of these rules you are guaranteed to be good at pvp.

1) Don't Die. I can't stress this enough in being a pvp master. Don't die and you will be great
at pvp. You don't even need to follow any of the next rules of pvp.

2) If you are dead you need to not be dead. Don't be a ghost and think that you can still pvp as a

ghost. You aren't that good. You obviously have broken the first rule of pvp.

3) Attack. You can't pk someone with emote hugs. You can try, but it probably won't work.

Additionally, emoting *Hast slaughtered foe, foe lays dead on ground* is not pvp.

4) Dress really impressively and snazzy. People will stop trying to fight you just to admire your outfit. Just joking, this doesn't matter.

5) Verify your target becomes a corpse on the ground. Don't just assume they died. Really, that

emote *hast slayed foe* didn't kill them, did you see a corpse on the ground? You just aren't good

enough to emote someone to death.

6) Run away. When severely outnumbered, running away is a key pvp tactic. Say you are outnumbered

10 to 1, This is probably a good time to run away. Dying is a really silly pvp tactic and is not


7) Heal yourself before achieving certain death. If you realize one more harm spell will end you,

it is time to heal yourself. I refer to the first rule of pvp which is not to die. Usually pvp

battles don't have the right conditions for your 2 hit point regeneration to regenerate 120 hit

points worth of damage. No, an additional 2 hit point regeneration won't cover you either.

8) Have friends who will aid you in pvp. Having friends who can pvp and who like to hang out with

you is recommended. Sometimes you are outnumbered and can use a good buddy who will die for you

while you run away (and not die).

9) Don't pk your friends whilst in a middle of a pvp battle. Friends on the frontline with you

prefer a cross heal over an explosion poison flamestrike combo.

10) Let wild unicorns do your work for you. Say you are in Luna and someone is casting earthquake.

This is a great opportunity to release a unicorn. perceptionisn'tperceptive.png
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Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now I know why I don't pvp; I'd be breaking rule #1 too much. Thank you for the laugh, Lizzard. A couple of those had me spitting my coffee on the desk. :thumbsup: