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[Discussion] How To Claim Your Rares Fest Vendor



Seems there is some confusion at to when the Vendors will be handed out. In the Rares Fest Vendors thread it was stated they would be given out on sunday and in the Rares Fest thread it says Saterday. So we will go with Saterday...that being tommorrow Saterday April 2nd. There are 3 vendors houses to choose from for your vendor all are first come first serve, please icq one of us at:

When you are ready for your vendor. if you have not transferred yet you do not need to wait to get your venodor..just use another ch on that account.
For those of you that do not have icq we will be at the location tomorrow and will provide gates if the permenant one is not up yet.
If you DO NOT have a reservation for a vendor you will have to wait until monday to get one. That way people that reserved have first pick over those that did not. So if you reverved a vendor please claim it by Monday!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
heh is there a set time for tomorrow? I saw a confused euro player earlier.


we will try to be up early....maybe might be one of us still up at midnight


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OOO Im so staying up late then! lol wait i have to anyway xfering off origins. lol :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well rares fest has begun, my vendors are already selling as fast as I can stock...