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How rare are these two pieces of rubble?


King Llama

Got these last night in magincia fel, near the com base. Haven't seen anyone else with it so far on Great Lakes. what are these worth?

This rubble is also a container!

Broken armoire rubble

Any input is appreciated, thanks


i have one of them too.. there r i think 3 barrels per facet.. tho prolly the most common of the containers u can get

King Llama

3 per shard?? extremely rare then

what other kinds of container rubble are being found? any idea on how many of those broken armoire rubbles there are?


I picked up 3 metal chest rubbles to go with my 2 barrels.
2 open and usable and the third locked.

I also got the armoire rubble, I'm fairly certain there's only 1 of them in Maginicia, but as the rubble can respawn there could be about 6 or so of any item that was "unique"
I know with our "fire" I got 3 and someone else got 3 from the same spawn before it stopped respawning.