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How much would we solve if



Pet balls had 60 sec cool down.

Animal form too one follower slot.

If you could use dismount to take folks out of animal form.


Hmm how about a summoned pet temporarily weakend? Say stats and DMG cut in half for 10 seconds?



If you could use dismount to take folks out of animal form.

[/ QUOTE ]
you can:)


Throw in a skill requirement for throwing a bola (tactics).

Throw in ninja requiring a much higher skill in some forms.

and throw in nerfs to stealth to where you're not 100% successful with GM hiding and 75 stealth.




Throw in a skill requirement for throwing a bola (tactics).

[/ QUOTE ]nah, bolas are fine. And if they fix the bug wher eyou can 'hide' the "blah is preparing a bola" message, then they will be even finer.

Throw in ninja requiring a much higher skill in some forms.

[/ QUOTE ]maybe, but I think making ninja form take a slot would be better

and throw in nerfs to stealth to where you're not 100% successful with GM hiding and 75 stealth.

[/ QUOTE ] YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Fix stealth and nothing else is nearly as much a problem. So what if petballs have no timer, u can see the tamer coming. So what if they are in ninja form, u can see the tamer coming, so what if dragon can 2 hit you, you can see the tamer coming. A visible tamer is a dead tamer- *IN MY EXPERIENCE ON SIEGE*



Pet balls had 60 sec cool down.

Animal form too one follower slot.

If you could use dismount to take folks out of animal form.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Yes! - that'd eliminate a lot of the tamer problem However, it should be more like 20 minutes.
2. Yes! - that'd eliminate the worst combos, the 5 slot dragons and mare/beetle combos that the ninja/tamer gets to use without any loss in mobility.
3. Yes! - actually that's already implemented.

4. Also, newly petballed pets need to be un-flagged and unable to respond to an "all kill" (perhaps be peaced?) for 15 seconds or the 60 second petball rule will be negated by a heavy-crossbow, one hit superdragon kill.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Pet balls had 60 sec cool down.

[/ QUOTE ]Might fix some issues, but would create issues as well. Pets are notorious for not obeying their masters, and multiple, frequent uses of pet balls can be used to limit the losses caused from that.


Animal form too one follower slot.

[/ QUOTE ]I don't think this would fix anything. You're already limited to what you can do in Animal Form, I don't think it needs additional limitations.


If you could use dismount to take folks out of animal form.

[/ QUOTE ]You already can. And it was a good fix.




Throw in a skill requirement for throwing a bola (tactics).

[/ QUOTE ]nah, bolas are fine. And if they fix the bug wher eyou can 'hide' the "blah is preparing a bola" message, then they will be even finer.

[/ QUOTE ]

They're fine, as far as PvP mechanics are concerned... it just doesn't make sense whatsoever.

No one should have 100% accuracy in tossing a bola. :p

On top of that, a tamer wouldn't even know how to use one!

Hence, the tactics requirement (quite like how weapon specials were changed). :p