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[Price Check] How much for facing east talking statue


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Stratics Legend
facing east statue.jpg statue pic.jpg

I have saw two pieces of 2 story statue they're facing east. Could anyone give me an idea where they from and value to them?

These statues in Formosa and lock down inside player's shop

UO Relic

Seasoned Veteran
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Seem to remember them being a server birth rare, not locked down in front of some dungeon so they got grabbed up. Dev's fixed it so beyond anything illegal no more are coming into game.

Seem to remember a year or 2 back one sold for I think 150M but would expect price would have gone up significantly since then


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but that statue no "weight" and put in player's house !
and i never seen the facing east statue before,the normal one always facing south


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Looks like there are 2 statues on the same tile. Probably 2 statues stucked on a box that someone already axed it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like there are 2 statues on the same tile. Probably 2 statues stucked on a box that someone already axed it?
the AXED's can't lock down,see the pic..it's show LOCK DOWN
and u guys ever see the FACING EAST statue BEFORE??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I know all of 2 story statue in the market are facing south and display the weight in 1 stones. And I just checked these statues on Formosa, they all facing east and no weight they show.
Please correct me if wrong....

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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I like threads like this you learn a lot :)