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How is UO land?



How is UO land? Good duels? Sweet fights? Well met? Any new awesome arties and stuff? Are gargoyles still primarily consisting of mongbat dung?

Side note: I'm going to buy an Urban Terror Server. Anyone interested is free to join in the action. (and theres ALWAYS action) Donations much appreciated.
(a buck-25 per slot. or you could spend it on:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
when im not in uo im thinking of neat things to do in uo
when im in uo im thinking of all the other things i should be doing
if i could blend the two together just a little bit better life would be so grand ill keep working at it

fyi romand from nujlm holy knights has died he was an npc i dont think anyone got his armor