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How does trained Discordance on a pet work?


Stratics Veteran
Hi All,

I haven't played since 2015 so I'm jumping right into animal training. Right now I got a Unicorn I'm working on that I've raised on follower slot from 2 -> 3 and I've replaced it's native Magery with Discordance. (I already know that I'm not supposed to be training a Unicorn but that's fine, this is just for fun right?)

I've searched for this everywhere but I can't actually seem to find how exactly effective discordance on a pet is.

For example: does a pet at 120 disco reduce stats and skills at the same % of regular Player Bard? How Often does a pet cast discordance and how long does it last? I think that disco costs Mana, does the pet need a large Mana pool to keep Disco UP?


Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
discordance on pets works pretty much like when a player uses it.
once your pet has discorded something and stays within range the target will remain discorded. If discordance is the only ability you give that pet it will use it very often. once the pet has discorded something it will not consume mana to keep it up (at least not that I noticed)


UO Forum Moderator
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Last night, my cu with 116 disco (well, 115 by the time I was done) discoed the Shimmering Effusion I was fighting several different times (about as many as I did as a 120 Disco bard), with of course the need to renew the disco being from our horrible screaming deaths (I was lagging a little and it took 90 minutes to solo it - gotta love UO - once I took 4 steps in hall with the ankh, going there to rez the cu, THEN got hit by 3 spells simultaneously for about 200 points total - at least I was able to loot my body there)